Old Reviews Grow Assistant

The Medicine Man

Head Hydro Honcho
May 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys,

So I don't know how many of you all need to keep track of things like daily temps, nutrient solutions, plant information (height, weight, etc) and patient data, but I've come across a Colorado based company (wut wut TBM!) that makes software to keep track of all of this stuff and be able to go back and look at records for past grows with ease. I've been playing around with only for a day or two, but that's enough to know that it's really powerful and will do everything I want.

The best part... the support. I wanted some things integrated into the system for maintaining an easy log of multiple reservoirs' information from the same room. Made my case on the forum, the owner wrote back inside of 2 hours and showed a video demo asking if that's what I was looking for, and BAM said it'd be in the next release in a couple of weeks. Having support like that is so important when it comes to a piece of software that will keep data on everything you need to do. So, I'd totally encourage you to check it out if you have a need for maintaining logs of multiple strains/rooms/etc.


I don't get anything from writing good about it. I just get really excited when I come across a piece of software that works like I want, and I get the support that I want.
great info TMM thank you my friend.

There's a free version that does similar stuff, it's windows only I belive.
og..does this have a tie-up at the back of the system..

what I am kind of worried about is if the info can be Used..ie..passed over to authorities or not..
coz I notice they say it can make you immediately law complient for the Legitimate Licenced User..

But...I would be an illigitimate user...if you know what I mean...
so I would Love to use it..as long as there is no sort of legal/open to Viewing files at the back of it...that the licensing company holds..

I noticed they said it was I-pad compatible..and I Think I have lucked out on the I-Pad...boo...:lol:..
I'm probably gonna get a Kindle tablet for christmas..
and the thoughts of being able to take it up...
and data imput all the girls there and then is a Hell of a draw for me..:wiz:
That issue was addressed in another forum, and what I believe to have happened is that there is either no more passing of data or the only data passed through is the number of plants, and it's not connected to any account or anything just purely a number. BUT... if you just shut off the internet access to whatever device youre using and make sure to close out the program before you turn internet back on, you should be OK. I think he stopped all of that, though, because he got a lot of flack about that issue.
I hate trialware that is fail...and yes the date/time is correct on my computer and has never been changed.....was the latest version (4.0.7) I downloaded from the site.
Looks like I have to stick with HerbIQ for now


And clicking on the "OK" button just closes the program.
Would be easy to write programs like that... sql database and query fields is really all it is. I hate seeing stuff like that fail when it don't take much skill to do. I personally wouldn't keep any form of file dgital or written documenting a grow though. I also refuse to take pictures. I don't need evidence floating around and I feel like I'm still taking a risk just by joining a forum..
Fyi if the us federal government wanted to they could take over any domain in the world. They were given control over the domain registry and already exercised that action by stealing domains from their owners in spain. Just fyi..