Indoor Grow 1.5 : Auto Jack Herer & Biodiesel Mass & Bag Seed Plant

Well, today was another 'Oh, Noooooo!' moment ... my clip-on lamp fell on my DeLaHaze! :( :(

She was clean 'topped' all the way down to the second node. I had actually decided to top them yesterday, but only to the 3rd/4th node. Now, she is really topped... Sigh, another setback and lesson. Don't use clip on lamps! Lamp is now tethered.

I hope she comes back, she was doing so good.... well, it's a good thing I already ordered more seeds :-/

I first tried to tape it back together, right when it happened, but that didn't work, so I grabbed a razor, made a clean cut on the broken piece, dipped in rooting hormone, then in a cup of water was the quick thing I could think of.

It's not a total loss, but my heart sank for sure! ... Here is the result. If she lives, I will publish my findings from this 'Falling Lamp Training Technique." FLTTtttth pt.

I don't know if it's possible to save the broken top, make a clone from it? ... I've no experience and only read a little about cloning ... but it's in water.:

Crazy times. What's a man to do but keep growing and hoping for the best... :)
Not sure about the top but the stump should be OK .... :pass:
Yes, I got lucky -- I think the baby will recover ok ... I learned that aloe makes a good rooting agent, and ironically my aloe plant was recently knocked on it's top and already broken. So, I mixed 1-2" the fresh aloe squeezed out with water, and I'm letting the top soak. I don't have too much hope, it looks wilty... It's a heroic effort, but what the heck. I'll put it in a root riot cube tomorrow, and see what happens.
Exciting times! ... My fan and filter have arrived, and I tested in the tent -- creates very good negative pressure, isn't too loud. I'm setting it up today. Meanwhile, back to yesterdays drama -- things are looking good.

You can barely tell the DeLaHaze plant was punched. 18 Days Old

Poor Jack Herer is still the runt, but hanging in there, just over 3 weeks old (22 days).


The two Afghans are looking bushy. Their leaves are slightly stubby, rippled and pulled in. These guys were topped two days ago. 18 Days Old:


Ok, now the interesting part -- In my effort to safe the top from yesterdays falling lamp, I took the broken top piece and put it in a mixture of aloe and water, soaked my root riot a bit in the mixture, and let the cutting sit directly in the mixture too for a couple of hours. I then took a razor blade and very carefully sliced one fan leaf at the bottom towards the root, gently scraping the surface of the stem down to the break. The hopefully creates more points for potential roots. Then I put pure aloe into the hole in the rr cube, and put both pieces in. Yes, even the fan leaf, just to see what happens. I let the root riot cubes sit in a little of the mixture, under a couple of cfls. This morning they were still a little wilty, and so I cut back the large fan leaves to prevent 'transpiration' since there are no longer any roots.

Aloe is supposed to be good rooting agent, and I sprinkled in a little rooting hormone powder, too, just because I had some. The little guys have actually perked up! It will take 9-10 days to see if they take. For now, I'm keeping them in their recovery chamber. This could be a great twist to the grow -- a bonus! :)
Last night, looking very sad and stressed:

Today, after trimming the leaves and soaking overnight. The single leaf has actually bent towards the light.

... at the very least, I'm practicing new skills.
Parting group shot:

... I let the run off from the big pots help feed the smaller pots. Gave a good feeding today. Went a little lighter on the 'Grow' and added a little Alaskan Fish stinky stuff. Happy growing!

p.s. my sweet pepper plant is blooming!
I got my filter and fan setup in my tent and showed it to my wife. She looked at it and said "Walter White" ...

I replied that I have killed anyone yet. ;-)
Both Jocks I grew looked droopy until they took off ... while not setting any records your Jack is doing OK ... :vibe:
Chester -- you help keep me hopeful! I appreciate you joining in my fun. Many Thanks! ...
The auto-jack perked up after I watered it. It looks like my Afghans have nitrogen toxicity. The other plants are enjoying the feeds. I'm not sure if I should cut the crumpled leaves off the Afghan or what ...


The auto Jack does seem ok. I tied her down today. The lower leaves look much better now (finally!) ... so let's let those bud sites grow.

19 Days Old: The DeLaHaze is still non-stop, even after lamp chopping. There appears only the slightest twist in the leave due to nitrogen++ ... I will adjust my feed to just water next, then 1/2 strength, low N. I didn't need to put in the Alaskan Fish emulsion it appears... but she looks very good to me :

19 days old: The Afghans with the trouble. I flushed them a bit, and let them sit out in the rain overnight. I've ponied up those twisted leaves.

... and last but not least, my bagseed plant show's a little sparkle:

Happy growing!
If a leaf is an over the canopy type of leaf then once the leaf is more yellow than green it is no longer needed on the plant ... if a leaf has a couple healthy green 'fingers' and a couple yellow fingers I cut just the yellow off ... If a leaf isn't shading anything (around the outside of the canopy) I let it die out completely before removal ... whenever possible I let bud leaves die off to the point of dropping rather than removing them earlier ... your last photo is a good example of leaves I'd leave till they dropped off since they are feeding the bud ... I enjoy helping others learn to grow their own ....

My favorite plant remains the DeLaHaze, 22 Days -- I have high hopes for this one!

I started some LST on her today, too! :)

The piece that was broken off from the DeLaHaze still lives ... and seems to have stabilized! I already had it in the root riot cube when someone recommended to split it in half, which might have been even better(?) ... If it does root, it will still take a week or more to show.

26 Days: My mini-me Auto Jack seems to be responding well to LST, although the plant does remain small.

Day 22: Afghans still show pronounced warpage due to Nitrogen toxicity. The seemed to have stop growing as fast. Flushed them again today. They are starting to show roots coming through bottom, so I may need to pot-up soon.

This second one is a little worse:

Not sure what to do about the N+ trouble. If these guys end up female and the buds end up being crinkled, will it still be good bud?

New Seeds Arrived! :)

Yesterdays group shot.

The Afghans @ 26 days today remain stunted, but new growth is starting to look better, but still a sad plant. Yesterday, I potted up these two Afghans, one had been growing in a cloth 'smart pot'. The roots of the this one definately did not show any circling, which I assume is better because it means more branching. Here are some rough pics of the difference between the two.

DeLaHaze @ 26 days looking good!

...lots of good potential bud sites it seems...

... and check out the knobs on the node where it was broke off -- they are fatty!

DeLaHaze rescued top "cutting" at 5 or 6 days ... detiorating color from the edge of the leaves.

And at 30 days old now, the autoflower Jack Herer a hopeful mini, responded will to LST, now if it will just grow...

so, at 30 days, I put a new auto seed from GOM in a root riot cube (even though I plan to go to 12/12 in a couple of weeks). Thinking of it I may go to 18/6 this weekend keeping veg going for another two weeks.

I ordered two more LED panels.

Happy Growing!