Indoor Grow 1.5 : Auto Jack Herer & Biodiesel Mass & Bag Seed Plant

What soil is the Jack Herrer in ?
Still in the MG soil ... :-/ ... I've not repotted because of adding more stress, but what's to loose, right?
Still in the MG soil ... :-/ ... I've not repotted because of adding more stress, but what's to loose, right?

Although it's not 100% certain the MG is probably the reason for it's size ... MG can work but it seldom works for autos ...
Well, it's at the 30 day mark and I'm trying to germinate a new auto now in a root riot cube, and will be sure to avoid MG. I will probably use my Happy Frog/Perlite once I get a sprout. It's ironic/beginners fate that I was originally going by a shopping list on these forums here at Lowes, but they didn't have the soil listed, and so I opted for the MG -- the one I chose seemed to have little nutes (MG Organic Choice Potting Mix - 0.10 - 0.05 - 0.05) ... but I'll take the tip, and avoid MG. I most recently brough the cheapest no-name soil at HD and some compost, and made a mix of 1/3 each+Perlite. I added some JB Stone's Organic sure start. I used it when I potted up the Afghans and for my house plants to see how the plants react.
Atrain had a BOM w/ MG on his first grow but I'd say that's about as rare as hen's teeth .... I aim for the most bland soil I can find ... then I add 25-30% perlite .... I want the soil very loose, so loose that if it's wet it can't be made into a mud ball but instead falls apart ... this allows the roots to act like little spelunkers crawling thru the soil w/o running out of oxygen ... that's what works for me...
I wish I was as fortuntae as Atrain! ... but I'm having fun still hoping to get off relying on a dealer.

32 Days old, the autoflower Jack Herer, is maybe starting to grow a little faster, but is also now developing yellow spots on the leaves.

... not sure what to do about it yet.

28 Days old (4 weeks!) DeLaHaze looking great -- very bushy ...

... and in the background above my two Afghans (also @ 4 weeks), with new growth looking much better. Not sure of the long term toll of over feeding -- these guys were definately more sensitive to the nutes than the DeLaHaze ... I'm also not even sure of the sex of these babies yet.

I will probably switch to an 18/6 schedule tonight and run that 2 weeks before switching to 12/12 flowering.

Well, the bean doesn't seem to be sprouting yet (in root riot cube this time). My germination rate is like 20% ... bleah! ... that makes those beaners like $20+ a pop.

However, I may have saved the top the lamp broke off the DeLaHaze ... at first, it was fading, but now it seems to be growing!

I may have to rethink my strategy with auto flowers and stick with clones/photo periods. I'm super excited about the potential of the DeLaHaze here. Here is a side-by-side at one month old of both the auto Jack Herer (unfort in MG soil, and having trouble) and the DeLaHaze (takes a beating, nutes, and just grows!) ...

Should I just go ahead and put the auto Jack in new soil?

Happy Growing!
If the Jack were mine I'd run a couple gallons of water thru it and start feeding w/ veg nutes ... start off half strength and build from there ... no idea if it would help it or hurt it ... it's just what I'd do ...
Thumps up, Gabe! Thanks for joining the fun :)

Lots of stuff happening ... so to catch up: I decided to put the broken piece into a 2Gal smart part. While I was moving, most of the dirt fell off, and you can see the root growth, which was cool enough to take a couple of shots:

Here is the baby today, looking as determined as her mother. (From when do you count the age of cuttings?)

And Chester, you are the man! On Monday, my wife noticed a faint smell, which was either the vegging babies or ferterlizer, but a tad alarming, so I plugged in the carbon filter in the tent, and outside I setup an ONA bucket! I opted to use the liquid concentrate with moisture absorbing crystals instead of the gel. I mix like 1:40 ONA to water (6 cups total) add 1/2 cup of crystals, and put in a 5gal bucket, set a fan to gently blow in, and viola:

It was strong at first, but w/ a little tweaking any smell in the house is now gone, and the closet just faintly smells of ONA, but only inside -- it's great! ... the real test will be in full bloom of the stink DeLaHaze.

I also did your recommended flush on Tuesday -- about 8 gallons through and then fed light nutes. She actually does look like she is perking up a little, finally, today ... still remain hopeful about her.
Auto Jack Herer, 36 Days old:

... but what keeps me going is the big mamma DeLaHaze, 32 Days Old


... I would like to defoliate her, but that also makes me nervous.

At 32 Days, the Afghans are looking much better, too, after recovering from too much N

Last night, after 31 days, I put all plants in the tent on 12/12! too soon?? :) ... the auto jack may just have to tag along.

Oh, I added a 2nd LED, and have a 3rd for the other side of the closet for my "veg area" now.

... and in the BIG EXCITING NEWS ... I checked the trichs on the bag seed plant Tuesday, and a couple were starting to amber ... and well, I harvested the bag seed yesterday!! :)

My first real harvest!
I'm going to try to savor every moment of this, ... 4 month in the waiting, and I should be able hold another week or two before consuming it all. :)

But yes, it's exciting -- and a little intimidating. Here are some sentimental parting moments :)

I started, only cut one small branch in the middle ... just to see.

These pieces came in at 4g wet weight, which based on what I read is going to be about 1g dry.

Sizing up this piece against the rest of the plant, I'll probably net just over 1/2 oz dry. From a thrown away seed... Happy times! :)

The buds are thick and sticky! a quick tester and there was a quite heady and nice, very pleasant!

I finished up the top half of the plant, and hung the buds up in the tent! This is what I plan to properly dry and cure:

This was ~ 60g wet.
I took a razor and carefully harvested the lower buds, too (I want to try to reveg this one!). This is my snitch pile ;-)

That is 15g wet, so total 75g wet - Heck, any amount makes me very happy!! Here is what is left of mother:

I'm doing a happy dance!

.. and as one plant goes down ... on the side, and prob the topic of a new grow log: I've got one of the autoflower GOM seeds (2nd attempt) sprouting:

I appreciate all the tips and help!
Happy Growing, High Times!
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