Harvest & Curing Grove Bags TerpLoc® 420 Sweepstakes

These bags are great to use especially because they have lots of different sizes that you can choose from. I also love the fact that you can have some bags that are see-through so I can take a look at the bud while it’s still in their curing state. The bags keep my buds at the proper humidity range without me having to burp at all.

I've been thinking of trying Grove bags, but am leary of changing from other tried and true methods. I've heard great things and this opportunity would be a great chance to try something new! The TerpLoc sounds fantastic, thanks for the contest!

Always loved my grove bags. I completely skipped mason jars and went straight to them and never looked back. Makes curing easy and problem free. Can never have too many Grove Bags!

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I'm a huge fan of these bags I use them for everything now and there a total game changer and use a lot less space .I'd love some limited edition bags and good luck everyone #TeamTerpLoc
I knew nothing about Grove Bags until @Mañ'O'Green posted this thread announcing the sweepstakes/contest. Well .... after reading a few pages of testamonials I knew that I'd been missing something totally essential.

So I scampered over to their site, entered Use our 7% OFF Community-Specific Code “AFNTERPLOC” and ordered up an assortment of small bags.
They came yesterday, as did a moisture meter from Amazon, so now I'm ready to jump in the game. :woohoo:

Very timely since I've just finished drying a small harvest of High Society by Compound Genetics. :smoking:

I have never tried them, but would love to! I'm always looking for new and innovative ways when cultivating cannabis. This would seem easier to me than opening tons of jars all the time too.. sooo sign me up