Harvest & Curing Grove Bags TerpLoc® 420 Sweepstakes

I love my grove bags because they’ve made my life so much easier. I just trim and toss in my bags and done.

They’re WAY easier to store and monitor. I can just keep my stock in a large tote. And I no longer need to worry about dropping a damn jar and having it shatter. Been there!

Icing on the cake is that I gift a lot to friends and they love receiving their gifts in a smaller grove bag. Adds a nice touch.

I’m happy to never use jars again.

You and I seem to have a lot in common. I am switching to growing in earthbox juniors and last month I ordered a bunch of 1/2 oz grove bags. Lol.
I started with a bunch of 1/2 ounce bags along with the 1/4 and 1/8 .
I like to just fill the small bag with my weekly amount and keep all the other bags sealed.
Always a nice surprise opening a new bag and getting the burst of smell.

Wife lost smell from covid,but she had no problem when I opened a Grove bag.

Even people that don't grow should be using Grove bags.

Just bought some 1oz bags and will need more for next harvest.
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And Grove bags don't shatter when you drop them.

Burping is something you do after drinking a good Ale :crying: :crying: :crying:


Current grow is going to be my biggest harvest yet & I was going to buy some more jars ... NOT!!! :nono: So I placed an order yesterday & I can't wait to try them out! Btw, thanks for the discount code @Grove Bags :d5::vibe::pass: