New Grower Greenhouse experiment: how adaptable are autos??

you can use anything you want, I just find not messing with mixing nutes etc for greenhouse grows more relaxing and you see my results. So start with what you know, but consider trying organics next time!

here's a thread I made on soil:

Sound advice! Ill stick with what I know this run and use the time to learn more about organics and greenhouse growing in generally. Thanks for your input buddy

Stay lit :pass:
Day 11 quick update

The weather has taken a turn for the worse with cold overcast rainy shit!!! Temps in the greenhouse has struggled to stay above 16 today!!Forecast does say ill have some more sunshine to come next week but we will have to wait and see, where I live is like its own mini weather system!! It can change literally 10-15 times a day!! Anyways in spite of this the young quick one is continuing to grow at good pace. Still no first watering but she's due any day now I reckon.

Also on a side note I decided to plant a Royal Creamatic today to partner my quick one and keep her company! Only just dropped the seed but I will keep update on this thread to her progress along with the quick one.

Enjoy the pics and keep em lit :pass:

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Day 13 and there be some strange forces at work here!!!

It's been absolutely shit weather, raining, overcast, cold!! I haven't seen the Sun in 3 days but can you believe it, my quick one has doubled in size in 2 days!!! I guess the name really does say it all!! Still nothing gone into the pot other than the initial soaking and with the temps having been so low she's probably got a few more days in her, but don't wanna leave it too long. Forecast says the temps are returning up to a nice 18 degrees tomorrow with open sky's so fingers crossed this is correct and the young girl explodes with a healthy dose of Sun!! Here's some pics, enjoy


Stay lit :pass:
Greenhouses are amazing! Same weather here. I went out today for the first time in 2 days and Woah! Everything growing like crazy! And here's a tip, if using containers, the bigger the pot, the more stable the rootzone temps on days like these. Even today, now its raining again, temps in the greenhouse are 15F higher than outside. Happy girls!

Day 13 and there be some strange forces at work here!!!

It's been absolutely shit weather, raining, overcast, cold!! I haven't seen the Sun in 3 days but can you believe it, my quick one has doubled in size in 2 days!!! I guess the name really does say it all!! Still nothing gone into the pot other than the initial soaking and with the temps having been so low she's probably got a few more days in her, but don't wanna leave it too long. Forecast says the temps are returning up to a nice 18 degrees tomorrow with open sky's so fingers crossed this is correct and the young girl explodes with a healthy dose of Sun!! Here's some pics, enjoy

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Stay lit :pass:
:slap: Good luck with the grow man! Gonna stay posted to this, been interested in a greenhouse grow myself. :pass:
Hey, man! That seems to be going great. Nice journal. I decided on autos because of their size. I use a very small indoor cabinet. I'd love to have a greenhouse! Hahaha, but that's not possible where I live.

I'm convinced autos (from good breeders!) are very resilient and easy maintenance. Either that, or I'm just very lucky, because my second grow is doing even better than my first. And she has been topped, accidentally split her stem, supercropped, LST'd and survived a few days in a row of extremely hot weather as well as fungus gnats....or septoria. Some kind of leaf problem anyways.

All I'm saying is: Don't worry! She's doing great. I'd love to see the progress and end result!
Thank you @Scirzo. This is my first attempt at outdoor/greenhouse and I'm loving it!!! So much in fact I dropped a creamatic a couple days ago to join my quick one and she has just broke soil today!! I also have a small cabinet I completely built myself to fit into a small gap I had in my bedroom, currently housing 1 Ak auto ( left in the pic) and 1 Amnesia haze auto(right! Obviously lol ) both 7 weeks old. I'm still a noob myself and this will be my first successful grow with autos ( fingers crossed ).