New Grower Greenhouse experiment: how adaptable are autos??

Thanks for the confidence bro. I've done some digging and reading of other journals and I see this is not really an experiment to you guys at all! but it still is for me so ill keep the journal going for my own reference and of course anyone who just wants to watch an autoflower do her thing (so pretty).

Stay lit bro :pass:
No worries we all gotta start somewhere,I have grown autos outdoors quite a bit but always brought them in and put em under lights this year in growing a couple outside and I'm not bringing them in an what a difference,had some not so good weather for awhile and they didn't grow much at all ,so in a way it's my first time growing an auto 100% outside,but I will probably when they get bigger bring at night so I don't get robbed.
No worries we all gotta start somewhere,I have grown autos outdoors quite a bit but always brought them in and put em under lights this year in growing a couple outside and I'm not bringing them in an what a difference,had some not so good weather for awhile and they didn't grow much at all ,so in a way it's my first time growing an auto 100% outside,but I will probably when they get bigger bring at night so I don't get robbed.

I have had the same worries of potential thieves but don't have the option to bring her or any future sisters inside as I run a very small set up indoors that I plan to keep continuous, so simply no space ( plus the missus ain't exactly happy with what I have indoors already so no chance of just popping a plant on the windowsill during bad weather!! Lol ) I'll just have to roll the dice and hope no one comes a looking ( and they better hope I don't catch em if they do! )
Like protecting my own children!! You all know what I mean

Stay lit bro :pass:
hey buddy all looks well : ) my mate just put a few autos i gave him in the greenhouse with standard 4 month feed nutrient compost. just feeds them un phd tap water and theyre doing astonishingly well. autos are the way forward man they can take just about anything you can throw at them. hope you get some good results mate :) keep it green man:greenthumb:
hey buddy all looks well : ) my mate just put a few autos i gave him in the greenhouse with standard 4 month feed nutrient compost. just feeds them un phd tap water and theyre doing astonishingly well. autos are the way forward man they can take just about anything you can throw at them. hope you get some good results mate :) keep it green man:greenthumb:

Well that fills me with :vibes: I'm getting really excited by this grow already!! Ill post an update later on today with some pics

Stay a high guy :pass:
Day 7

The weather has been just fine remaining the forecast 18 degrees average daytime temps and temp in the greenhouse is between 15 ( when I first go out in the morning around 7am ) and 30ish during the hottest part of the day. It's been a little overcast so not had the best Sun exposure I would have liked but none the less she continues to amaze me every day with noticeable growth all the time. The pot is still a little heavy so no drink yet but I will be keeping an eye on her for first watering.


Enjoy the pics :pass: stay high
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Looks like you have good progress man, nice start. It's a great feeling, growing your own! :thumbsup: Have a little :slap: for trying outdoors!

:thanks: I really don't know why I didn't do it sooner!! A definite regular addition to the grow systems! Next time though gonna put a few in there and see how each strain responds differently, try and find myself a couple of keepers for regular greenhouse grows:stir:

Stay lit :pass:
Day 9 update

Had some lovely unexpected Sun today even though forecast said overcast,like it has been past few days, so the little lady has been out sunbathing and absolutely loving it!! Her little arms reaching up to the sky to drink up all that glorious sunlight! She's still growing at a nice pace and still due to have her first drink, around day 12 I reckon. Not much more to say than that really, enjoy the pics

Stay lit :pass:
Nice greenhouse!

I've been growing autos in greenhouses for threee years now and they love it! Greenhouses are the place to use bigger pots, both for a larger plant and less watering. This year, I built a raised bed and installed dripline watering. No more damned pots to water lol!

Here's last years greenhouse no pot larger than 3 gallons:

Greenhouse pic3 -9-6-2016.jpg

Hey guys

This will be my first proper grow journal so please be kind and I will try to post as much info as possible and update as often as I can.

I'm a fairly new grower and still learning and in the spirit of that I've decided to try a little experiment into low Maintenance greenhouse growing. For this experiment I will be growing one "Quick one" from royal queen seeds. The plant has been started in the greenhouse from seed and Germinated in 4 days, we are now 4 days old since popping her head and growth has been good. Seeing her get a little bigger each day.

Originally I did not ph the water when soaking the soil which did not seem to affect germination but I was soon worrying so gave a very mini "flush" with a ph 6.3 water and 2ml rhizotonic per litre. Well thankfully all seems good, the young girl is growing at a nice pace.

Now as I said this is going to be a "low maintenance" kind of grow. I don't exactly have too much control over environmentals, such as temperature or humidity but I can open the door on my greenhouse on the occasional overly sunny day I get! All I plan to do is keep her Fed and watered using the same nutes I use Indoors but other than that I plan to let mother nature do her thing and find out just how adaptable an autoflower can be.

Daytime temperatures in the greenhouse vary from anything between 15 degrees Celsius and 35+ degrees Celsius ( on a hot day ). So I want to know will the plant adapt to these varied and somewhat extreme changes and conditions and still produce a credible amount of bud at the end. I figure if she's born in to it she will adapt to her environment and find a way to live and produce flowers, of course I may be way off but time will tell.

If a successful experiment then hooray!!! I have an extra way to grow bud at almost no cost and little maintenance! If unsuccessful then hopefully I will have at least spread a little knowledge.

Feeds I use are, Canna vega, rhizotonic, pk13/14, unnamed bloom nute, and mollases.

I have no idea what to expect from this grow and look forward to finding out and sharing the experience with the AFN family. And if anyone has any similar kind of experience or knowledge to what I'm doing I would love to hear from you.

Some pics of the girl and her home.View attachment 768708 View attachment 768709 View attachment 768710
Thanks guys stay lit
Nice greenhouse!

I've been growing autos in greenhouses for threee years now and they love it! Greenhouses are the place to use bigger pots, both for a larger plant and less watering. This year, I built a raised bed and installed dripline watering. No more damned pots to water lol!

Here's last years greenhouse no pot larger than 3 gallons:

View attachment 771492

Very Noice!!!! Them plants looks killer, praying to the Canna gods I can raise me a girl like that

Stay lit :pass: