:bravo: great runs and results so far everybody! :wiz: .... @GreenLifeBiotics thank you Tony for being so present and helpful with the grows :thanks::bow:

@Carve that RB auto looks superb, and the aroma-- fuggedaboutit! :drool:

>>> OK, later this week I can finally get going- :doh: ...between work and the unseasonably cool nights, I couldn't get the tent rigged up yet. I should be hatching beans this weekend!
All the great feedback here has me very excited to get going on my grow using GLB's goods! I will have my challenges for the auto's, in smaller volume pots (9L), only 5' high tent, a good chunk lost to lights as is... Thankfully I have QB's, one with a dimmer so height and intensity can be better handled...
Outdoor photo's still a go, but start is a month or so out yet,...:coffee:
As you can see they are quickly growing more and more by each day. Between Greenleaf Megacrop nutrients and Greenlife Biotics supplements this will turn out to be a fantastic grow.
Day five for GLB testers. Tonight they’ll be transplanted into instatransplant solos til roots hit bottom then into 5 Gal SIP buckets. 16 days til first dose. I’ll be marking my control plants and test plants plainly.
Gave the girls their daily doses last night.

So far not seeing anything extra, growth wise that I can point to and be assured that it was the GLB that did it and not plant variation but we shall see when it's done and we can do a root ball comparison. Granted different seeds carry different traits and best test scenario would be with clones.
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