Got mine in today. :smoking:
picked up a couple of bags of soil.
probably run a couple pots of soil and a couple in promix.
Hoping to use the seedstocker autos I’m getting for the G &S. Still waiting on those.

Thanks @GreenLifeBiotics.
I’ll give a good run.

They both can be used as a foliar up to the first week of flower, personally we don't like putting microbes on buds starting day one of flower, it's hard to judge with auto flowers some times, but they both have kelp in them and it creates a biofilm that helps protect the plant as well as strengthens stalks and stems.

Nutrient Burn or Burn from Pest Management - If plants get over fertilized and nutrient burn or for those that spray a pest management program and then turn lights on too quick and burn the tops - Stop using the original version Enhance MC for 1-2 waterings, as it makes everything available the plants are working at a higher level so this will relax the plant and give it time to recoup for any issues.

Enhance MC will also produce roots as it is used in propagation so for those that are not using any additional powdered or bottled nutrients you can cut the dose or just feed 1-2 times a week. For those looking for larger plants feed every watering.

GLB Micro DS is used at 0.1 mL daily, 2 mL every other day or 0.50 mL every 5 days. try not to go over 5 days as the microbes will eat up this micronutrient first over what's in soil due to its 100% availability and when it gets to the sulfur it may dry out your pot faster after a larger feeding.
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My current daily amendment feeding is
Enhance Mc .25ml per gallon (have since upped this to 2mils per 5 gallon)
Bloom Accel 2ml per gallon (upped this to 12 mils per 5 gallon)
Brix 57 1 mil per gallon
1 mil roots to shoots per gallon

Micro Ds 0.5mil per 5 gallon every 4 to 5 days (this will be upped to 2mils per 5 gallon every 4 to 5 days)
The LOM I've only used a few times. Fair warning dont set it near the roots and do what I did and use double the amount :face:they look the same . I'm currently working with Tony on a feed schedule for using this in my grow that is just getting underway.

FYI I whole heartly believe that these @GreenLifeBiotics amendments when used as directed will make a difference and I told Tony that we here on AFN would give these products a great NO BULLSHIT test so Cultivators lets get to :stir:
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My current daily amendment feeding is
Enhance Mc .25ml per gallon (have since upped this to 2mils per 5 gallon)
Bloom Accel 2ml per gallon (upped this to 12 mils per 5 gallon)
Brix 57 1 mil per gallon
1 mil roots to shoots per gallon

Micro Ds 0.5mil per 5 gallon every 4 to 5 days (this will be upped to 2mils per 5 gallon every 4 to 5 days)
The LOM I've only used a few times. Fair warning dont set it near the roots and do what I did and use double the amount :face:they look the same . I'm currently working with Tony on a feed schedule for using this in my grow that is just getting underway.

FYI I whole heartly believe that these @GreenLifeBiotics amendments when used as directed will make a difference and I told Tony that we here on AFN would give these products a great NO BULLSHIT test so Cultivators lets get to :stir:
Hey @Dabber, the MC Kelp is the only one I should use as a foliar yes? I'm assuming the .5ml/gal application rate he told me for my setup is for a soil application? Do we have guidance on what dilution to use for foliar?
@Suki813 simple answer you can use 4 mL per gallon or more. The Enhance MC Kelp label says 4 mL per gallon but you can go less if you wish or 0.5 ml per 16 oz. No amount of the Enhance MC Kelp will hurt the plant as long as you are misting the plant. The Enhance MC Kelp labels are correct to the few I sent those out to instead of the original.

With Original Enhance MC we have done as much as 15 plus mL to a gallon of the 6% fulvic acid and it does not hurt the plant in anyway when misting but we just worry if that mist became droplets and hits roots it would make everything around it available too available.

Both Enhance MC and Enhance MC Kelp can be used as a foliar and the rates are 4 mL to the gallon. I know that seems odd compared to the rest of what I mentioned but using either one even the 6% fulvic acid won't hurt the plant as a foliar, it actually helps as it works as a translaminar which means if you spray it on a leaf with other ingredients, it will absorb into it, even if it only hits one side of the leaf and helps support shoot system functions. As it contains nitrogen fixing bacteria it will start to pull nitrogen from the air into the leaves and creates a biofilm to protect the plant.

Just a word of caution if using Original Enhance MC and foliar with amino acids it may green up your plant too much and stunt growth going into flower. Too much nitrogen can slow flowering and reduce bud size. You never want your plants to be a deep dark forest green going into flower. If they are cut back a week before and draw some of it out.

I have attached the Enhance MC label below.