Man, the fish is nothing compared to the Roots2Shoots lmfaoYeah, that fish has staying power!
Not near as bad as some stink bait I've made............old fisherman trick of going to a barbershop to get stink bait Keeps the bait on the hook longer.
It ain't bad. I feel like I'm on the river fishing.Man, the fish is nothing compared to the Roots2Shoots lmfao
I'm germinating the next round right now. I mixed up some roots2shoots in water and I'm quite impressed.
View attachment 1444398
I'm germinating the next round right now. I mixed up some roots2shoots in water and I'm quite impressed.
View attachment 1444398
I mixed a dilute solution, concentration was .5ml per gallon I thinkand a note
How much did you use of the Roots2Shoots?