New Grower Great White for autos

Microbial flora are hard to kill, in the sense of eradicating them all in the soil/media. But their ecosystem, all the interactions including with the plant, are complex and easier to disrupt.

Not having water, high or low temperatures or pH levels, toxic levels of nutrients (things that can kill the plants too) will kill and disrupt the microbes.

Every plant has its own external surfaces' microbial ecologies, whether you seed these with known good strains or rely on normal environmental contamination/colonization. The idea with Great White, a mixture of diverse microorganisms, and also more individual microbial component type products, such as Voodoo Juice (bacteria) and Tarantula (fungi), is to try to control the core composition/population of your plant-soil/media interface ecosystem by (re)inoculating or (re)seeding it with proven good strains. It's similar to eating yogurt to repopulate your lower digestive track with beneficial bacteria.

Yes, these products should be used in soil/media prep, transplanting, etc. But at least theoretically and in industrial bioprocessing, repeated reinoculation/redosing works best. You are essentially trying to maintain a chronic infection. After following initial instructions, a portion of a normal dose can serve as booster. For example, I just normally add about 1 mL/plant Voodoo Juice and often also Tarantula and Piranha with each feeding. Beneficial microbes are probably the most cost-effective (they actually work) additives around.
I use Great White myco in all my plants, marijuana and otherwise. That stuff is AWESOME; it's the best root building fungal product on the market.

Like everyone else said, just dust some in the hole before you plant your seedling, and it will do the rest. It's a mix of fungal spores that, when in soil and nearby roots, forms a symbiotic relationship with the plant that encourages root growth and aids the root network in absorption of nutrients. Roots are the most important part of your plant's health, and this stuff works wonders on them!

Not looking for a fight, but that is a bold statement, on the Great White. There are better out there with higher ratios of more cfu's per gram of beneficials, mycos and trichodermas. I have used Great White, and this stuff is better in my opinion.

Not looking for a fight, but that is a bold statement, on the Great White. There are better out there with higher ratios of more cfu's per gram of beneficials, mycos and trichodermas. I have used Great White, and this stuff is better in my opinion.

Can that be used with DWC
Hey guys, any advice on what could kill the beneficials? Just interested in what they are sensitive to.

I'm new to this myself and am currently using this stuff...


I have read that chemical nutes can kill the beneficial bacterias so I switched to organic nutes with grow 2. Not too sure on how accurate this is but it made sense to me.
Chem nutes dont kill the bacteria. the salts slice the microbes up and then they die, IF the salts build up. I run a pretty lite feed schedule with watering in between, so they dont build up. I am running a dwc bucket in a week or so and going to give the recharge a go. I do like what it does in soil less medium too!
Well I'm buying some for myself! Give me a recommendation please. I'm thinking roots orgenism XL because it's cheaper.
Not looking for a fight, but that is a bold statement, on the Great White. There are better out there with higher ratios of more cfu's per gram of beneficials, mycos and trichodermas. I have used Great White, and this stuff is better in my opinion.

Well, I may be mistaken, but I think it can be safely said that Great White is still a pretty solid brand, and it won't hurt at all to use it over nothing. At the very least, it's the best on the market in my neck of the woods, even if that's just due to poor selection :)