Old Reviews great co2 product

Can't find where I'd read it, but I just sat mine on the floor this time because I'm running the extraction fan full time. I'd read or watched a video or something from them saying that if you're running extraction, you can set it on the floor near the intake to have the CO2 get pulled up through the canopy by the fan(s). Most of the air in my closet comes in under the door, so I placed the bag on the floor just inside the little door jam riser where the air comes in this time around.
plants use no CO2 during lights out as there is no photosynthesis happening.

IMO, these bags are great if you like mushrooms...... Do they produce CO2? yes. Usable amounts? I very much doubt it or every indoor commercial grow would use them to save money. What you spend on these in a few grows would buy you a good CO2 setup, they are not expensive. CO2 will cost you a little more than those bags, but a properly set up CO2 enhanced grow can increase bud production by up to 30%

I have grown without and I like it better with... I do not have a monitor.. but at lights out my fan does not take air out of the tent. it is during that 6 hour period that I believe they really benefit from the c02. I hang it just above my oscillating fan and I know it makes a difference.
plants use no CO2 during lights out as there is no photosynthesis happening.

IMO, these bags are great if you like mushrooms...... Do they produce CO2? yes. Usable amounts? I very much doubt it or every indoor commercial grow would use them to save money. What you spend on these in a few grows would buy you a good CO2 setup, they are not expensive. CO2 will cost you a little more than those bags, but a properly set up CO2 enhanced grow can increase bud production by up to 30%
There are those like me who can not have a c02 set up per our regulations so this is our only option.. I have noticed a difference since I started using these so I will continue to use them.
Can't find where I'd read it, but I just sat mine on the floor this time because I'm running the extraction fan full time. I'd read or watched a video or something from them saying that if you're running extraction, you can set it on the floor near the intake to have the CO2 get pulled up through the canopy by the fan(s). Most of the air in my closet comes in under the door, so I placed the bag on the floor just inside the little door jam riser where the air comes in this time around.
I have mine just above my oscillating fan
I have grown without and I like it better with... I do not have a monitor.. but at lights out my fan does not take air out of the tent. it is during that 6 hour period that I believe they really benefit from the c02. I hang it just above my oscillating fan and I know it makes a difference.
Plants do not use co2 when it is dark.
it's beyond my understanding as to why anyone would need a license to use CO2. it's not that way in my state ( yet.... ) so someplace must feel they are doing their civic duty and thwarting us drug dealers....... like we can't grow without it lol! Makes as much sense as outlawing rifles with those scary pistol grips.....

There are those like me who can not have a c02 set up per our regulations so this is our only option.. I have noticed a difference since I started using these so I will continue to use them.
it's beyond my understanding as to why anyone would need a license to use CO2. it's not that way in my state ( yet.... ) so someplace must feel they are doing their civic duty and thwarting us drug dealers....... like we can't grow without it lol! Makes as much sense as outlawing rifles with those scary pistol grips.....
I do not use any co2 as it is a waste trying to in tent anyway.