Old Reviews great co2 product

hmmm I have heard so many different things about these bags have you grown without them? do you really notice a difference? wouldn't have a co2 monitor by chance do you? I love the idea of co2 with no tanks or regulator my question is is it really produceing enough co2 to have a positive effect
hmmm I have heard so many different things about these bags have you grown without them? do you really notice a difference? wouldn't have a co2 monitor by chance do you? I love the idea of co2 with no tanks or regulator my question is is it really produceing enough co2 to have a positive effect
I have grown without and I like it better with... I do not have a monitor.. but at lights out my fan does not take air out of the tent. it is during that 6 hour period that I believe they really benefit from the c02. I hang it just above my oscillating fan and I know it makes a difference.
might have to give one a go also I know there is a way to make them diy came across it a while back I guess its just decomposing mushrooms in a bag or something along those lines
I shall investigate! but ty for info
might have to give one a go also I know there is a way to make them diy came across it a while back I guess its just decomposing mushrooms in a bag or something along those lines
I shall investigate! but ty for info
my pleasure... check out there website... good info.. I ordered mine from ebay.
ya I'm familiar with them actually been around awhile there are a few more out there like myco2box and co2bag and if anyone brews beer is another way to get good co2
me personally I got a hose that runs from the tent to my lazy boy and I just breath into it all day jk but often thought of it
ya I'm familiar with them actually been around awhile there are a few more out there like myco2box and co2bag and if anyone brews beer is another way to get good co2
me personally I got a hose that runs from the tent to my lazy boy and I just breath into it all day jk but often thought of it

how long are spending on the lazy boy Man???
I know you were joking, but I'm sure it would help in a small tent situation.
every tweak helps!
party-on lazy boy.
I have grown without and I like it better with... I do not have a monitor.. but at lights out my fan does not take air out of the tent. it is during that 6 hour period that I believe they really benefit from the c02. I hang it just above my oscillating fan and I know it makes a difference.
I read that they need light to work properly. I'm reading reviews from people with co2 meters and theyre saying it doesnt increase co2 at all. I'm really intrested in co2 and what it can do for a grow. How do you know its doing anything without a co2 meter?