Thanks bro. It's all aboutVery Nice Setup congrats on the Germ , Good luck you definitely have the passion for it I can see it when I read this threadSmooth Grow Vibes Bro!!!!
Appreciate it bro I am definitely going to need some help.@Unique is the one for c02. He has used it for quite a long time with stellar success. You will do well, I think there will be plenty of help here if necessary.
First I want to say welcome to AFN, Next I would like to let you know it really is not recommended for new growers to start with co2 in a sealed or semi-sealed tent.Don't get me wrong I love CO2 and think it helps a great deal, but first you need to have everything dialed in, which you will not on your very first run, so I'm only trying help ya save some unneeded expenses is all....First couple questions about type of co2 your planning to use? 2nd you can eliminate half them expenses using open tent w/o co2, you will not need an a/c unit then..Your choice of lighting also seems expensive if your trying to keep this budget, I'm a Budget grower and there are very good LED's that you don't need to spend even 1/3 of that amount, ***Maybe look into Meizhi Reflectors They work very well, I use them! Next, don't forget about ph pens make sure you get one w/ ATC (auto temp control) again you can find them priced well(like 20$ at most) and if ya look for ones for a year warranty you really can't go wrong they cost a fraction of what name brand ones do and they honestly do last if you keep in storage solution and not let probes get nasty or dry up....I'll think of more, but I just wanted give you something to think about... I really love to see people use co2 I honestly just don't think starting off is the best idea...@mcpd_refugee @iampepe @Mañ'O'Green @Rollin_along @AutoWonders @912GreenSkell @archie gemmill
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback and interest. Like I said, I have a plan, but nothing is set in stoner yet. Except the first couple rounds of genetics. Cost: $150.00
Now, how to go about painting a masterpiece. To begin with, I just want to harvest a few ounces every couple months or so because at the moment I burn about an ounce or less every month. But I have been vaping a lot more lately and my needs are increasing.
I live in temperate area where yearly avg highs are 71F, avg lows are 49F and yearly avg RH of 80% morning and 52% afternoon. I don't think controlling temp and RH is going to be to difficult, challenging but not impossible. So, with that being said I am going to use a grow tent inside my garage at first to limit, the amount of space that needs to be conditioned. I'm thinking a 48"x48"x80" or a 48"x96"x80" (so I can work the plants an keep the tent closed up and elevate CO2 at the same time), just a cheap one (if I have to tape some pinholes, so be it). Cost $150.00 +$2.00 for Duct tape.
I'm going to need some hardware to condition the air. A 6,000 btu auto control Air Conditioner with Dehumidifier. Cost: $189.00 (the least expensive automatic on/off I could find, set it for 75 or so and it should do the trick). Automatic Dehumidifier. Cost: $179.00. Two 8" oscillating fans. Cost: $30.00. 4" 190CFM Duct fan with carbon filter (not so much for odor control, I want to run a closed system with the AC unit providing most of the air exchange, but to put a muffler on it and keep the air inside as clean as possible). Cost: $150.00. I have also picked out and budgeted for drain hose, light hanger hardware, microscope, light timers, infrared thermometer, water quality testers, hygrometer, digital thermometer and soil meters. Cost: $150.00.
Alright then, let's talk H2O. I have two wells on my property. I will need to do some ppm and pH testing. We recently remortgaged and had the well tested and I'll dig up those results and take a look but all should be good or I would have been informed. One well is softened by salts and is the primary water source for our home and the second well is hooked up to our irrigation system. But anyhow, I am going to get a Home Master Hydrogardner Pro Remineralizing Reverse Osmosis Water Filtering System (take care of pH right away). Cost: $264.00 BAM! Air pump and air stone. Cost: $10.00.
Next up, Media and Nutes! This has probably been the area of biggest concern and after all the mind numbing info I have watched, read and listened to I have decided I am going to KISS this area. To begin with I want to go organic because taste and quality is of primary concern so I have decided to go with Nature's Living Soil Concentrate 5lbs (1lb to 10gal of soil media), Viagrow Coconut Coir 11lbs (2 blocks) and Viagrow 5 gal. breathable fabric pots 10pk and 10, 12' saucers (someone suggested 3 gallon?? because I'm growing short autos and I could get a lot in a small space). Cost (maybe enough for two, 4 or 5 or more plant grows, depends on how much you try to cut the concentrate and size of your container): $85.00.
Now for the biggie! Lighting..... the only thing you have more choices of is SEEDS! Lighting is a close second. I like the COBs and I'm leaning in that direction. I like the Electric Skies and the King COBs because they can cover a large area but because they are passive cooled and have fewer working parts you would think they would be less expensive. I am pretty much sold on Black Diamond Perfect Sun Max Yield (a true 650 watt but they are sold out @ $995.00). So, I am going to wait a little while before ordering and see if they get any in stock soon. If not, I am going with Black Diamond Perfect Sun COB, a true 675 watt @ $800.00. Cost: $800.00.
Grand Total: $2009.00. Well under $2500.00 which gives me some leeway on price changes or upgrades.
There are two areas I still need to decide. First, germination... what do I need? Heating pad? Domed chamber? Second, CO2.... should I even worry about it during my first couple of grows? A set up would run about $239.00.
Let me know what you think. All suggestions will be appreciated. Peace!
First I want to say welcome to AFN, Next I would like to let you know it really is not recommended for new growers to start with co2 in a sealed or semi-sealed tent.Don't get me wrong I love CO2 and think it helps a great deal, but first you need to have everything dialed in, which you will not on your very first run, so I'm only trying help ya save some unneeded expenses is all....First couple questions about type of co2 your planning to use? 2nd you can eliminate half them expenses using open tent w/o co2, you will not need an a/c unit then..Your choice of lighting also seems expensive if your trying to keep this budget, I'm a Budget grower and there are very good LED's that you don't need to spend even 1/3 of that amount, ***Maybe look into Meizhi Reflectors They work very well, I use them! Next, don't forget about ph pens make sure you get one w/ ATC (auto temp control) again you can find them priced well(like 20$ at most) and if ya look for ones for a year warranty you really can't go wrong they cost a fraction of what name brand ones do and they honestly do last if you keep in storage solution and not let probes get nasty or dry up....I'll think of more, but I just wanted give you something to think about... I really love to see people use co2 I honestly just don't think starting off is the best idea...
**I think you should give yourself at least 2-3 grows to get your area dialed in, work all the little issues out that will come up.. Then see if your ready to jump into co2, the Plants require higher feedings it takes a little more understanding about VPD(vapor pressure deficit) using a sealed co2 room over an open, so just something to think about...also running a sealed tent does cost more, you will need a very efficient and long lasting dehumidifier 30pint is okay but a larger one be better, I use a 30pint and that is a huge power hog @450w in sealed tent that will be running pretty much constantly just so ya know...they also fill kinda quickly..
Oh also another thing just stuck out to me, I noticed you plan to keep a/c temps @75 if so, then you definitely do not want waste money on co2, co2 will only be useful with much much higher temps for a sealed tent w/ co2 temps need to be around 90degree FYI.. I want to be sure you understand what your getting yourself into..
It's really that i'm not trying to talk you out of using it, I just do not think it's good to start off with.. IMO several factor should be met first before using co2, one is once you feel you done the very best you can do w/o, you have the correct light saturation per sq ft, the correct environment (temps & humidity) , also ability to read plants helps a lot because the growth will be much more extreme with co2 vs non... I'm sure there must be some other's that agree with me.. the first thing you should do if fine tune your environment get through the first grow and re-access things....This way you won't be chasing your tail, it will keep the grow simple like you want the first.. a sealed tent isn't very easy to get to optimal conditions...Using co2 will require higher temps humidity then you may be willing to use, that is a must for co2 to work, light saturation also very important, it's hard to know what the led your gonna buy will cover w/o running it... You'll use a more amount of nutes & power per grow, like double+...Remember how I said the dehumidifier will always be running an a/c unit also? and lighting and fan's and whatever other little things that plug in to the wall... But really I think like the first thing I said, most people do not start off with co2 I didn't, I first reached the point where i did the very best that i could w/o it, so when I started to use I could see my improvements... I'd just like to see ya kinda start the same way, ease your way into it, not dive into it... I always try to explain co2 to people in this way, think of a super charger, a blower or Nitrous Oxide that is basically what your adding if you know a little about race cars you know adding things like that changes the timing and many other variables, think of co2 the same way... it works the exact same way...
Thanks @Unique I really appreciate the advise. I have read some of the same conerns recently and I'm really hoping I haven't bit off more than I can chew. So, that leaves me in a dilemma. I can't spend any more on more equipment. I will continue along with what I have and continuously tweak what I need to and go low and slow and not really push the plants to hard. If I don't make it to harvest I will come up with a new plan and try again.First I want to say welcome to AFN, Next I would like to let you know it really is not recommended for new growers to start with co2 in a sealed or semi-sealed tent.Don't get me wrong I love CO2 and think it helps a great deal, but first you need to have everything dialed in, which you will not on your very first run, so I'm only trying help ya save some unneeded expenses is all....First couple questions about type of co2 your planning to use? 2nd you can eliminate half them expenses using open tent w/o co2, you will not need an a/c unit then..Your choice of lighting also seems expensive if your trying to keep this budget, I'm a Budget grower and there are very good LED's that you don't need to spend even 1/3 of that amount, ***Maybe look into Meizhi Reflectors They work very well, I use them! Next, don't forget about ph pens make sure you get one w/ ATC (auto temp control) again you can find them priced well(like 20$ at most) and if ya look for ones for a year warranty you really can't go wrong they cost a fraction of what name brand ones do and they honestly do last if you keep in storage solution and not let probes get nasty or dry up....I'll think of more, but I just wanted give you something to think about... I really love to see people use co2 I honestly just don't think starting off is the best idea...
**I think you should give yourself at least 2-3 grows to get your area dialed in, work all the little issues out that will come up.. Then see if your ready to jump into co2, the Plants require higher feedings it takes a little more understanding about VPD(vapor pressure deficit) using a sealed co2 room over an open, so just something to think about...also running a sealed tent does cost more, you will need a very efficient and long lasting dehumidifier 30pint is okay but a larger one be better, I use a 30pint and that is a huge power hog @450w in sealed tent that will be running pretty much constantly just so ya know...they also fill kinda quickly..
Oh also another thing just stuck out to me, I noticed you plan to keep a/c temps @75 if so, then you definitely do not want waste money on co2, co2 will only be useful with much much higher temps for a sealed tent w/ co2 temps need to be around 90degree FYI.. I want to be sure you understand what your getting yourself into..
It's really that i'm not trying to talk you out of using it, I just do not think it's good to start off with.. IMO several factor should be met first before using co2, one is once you feel you done the very best you can do w/o, you have the correct light saturation per sq ft, the correct environment (temps & humidity) , also ability to read plants helps a lot because the growth will be much more extreme with co2 vs non... I'm sure there must be some other's that agree with me.. the first thing you should do if fine tune your environment get through the first grow and re-access things....This way you won't be chasing your tail, it will keep the grow simple like you want the first.. a sealed tent isn't very easy to get to optimal conditions...Using co2 will require higher temps humidity then you may be willing to use, that is a must for co2 to work, light saturation also very important, it's hard to know what the led your gonna buy will cover w/o running it... You'll use a more amount of nutes & power per grow, like double+...Remember how I said the dehumidifier will always be running an a/c unit also? and lighting and fan's and whatever other little things that plug in to the wall... But really I think like the first thing I said, most people do not start off with co2 I didn't, I first reached the point where i did the very best that i could w/o it, so when I started to use I could see my improvements... I'd just like to see ya kinda start the same way, ease your way into it, not dive into it... I always try to explain co2 to people in this way, think of a super charger, a blower or Nitrous Oxide that is basically what your adding if you know a little about race cars you know adding things like that changes the timing and many other variables, think of co2 the same way... it works the exact same way...
First I want to say welcome to AFN, Next I would like to let you know it really is not recommended for new growers to start with co2 in a sealed or semi-sealed tent.Don't get me wrong I love CO2 and think it helps a great deal, but first you need to have everything dialed in, which you will not on your very first run, so I'm only trying help ya save some unneeded expenses is all....First couple questions about type of co2 your planning to use? 2nd you can eliminate half them expenses using open tent w/o co2, you will not need an a/c unit then..Your choice of lighting also seems expensive if your trying to keep this budget, I'm a Budget grower and there are very good LED's that you don't need to spend even 1/3 of that amount, ***Maybe look into Meizhi Reflectors They work very well, I use them! Next, don't forget about ph pens make sure you get one w/ ATC (auto temp control) again you can find them priced well(like 20$ at most) and if ya look for ones for a year warranty you really can't go wrong they cost a fraction of what name brand ones do and they honestly do last if you keep in storage solution and not let probes get nasty or dry up....I'll think of more, but I just wanted give you something to think about... I really love to see people use co2 I honestly just don't think starting off is the best idea...
**I think you should give yourself at least 2-3 grows to get your area dialed in, work all the little issues out that will come up.. Then see if your ready to jump into co2, the Plants require higher feedings it takes a little more understanding about VPD(vapor pressure deficit) using a sealed co2 room over an open, so just something to think about...also running a sealed tent does cost more, you will need a very efficient and long lasting dehumidifier 30pint is okay but a larger one be better, I use a 30pint and that is a huge power hog @450w in sealed tent that will be running pretty much constantly just so ya know...they also fill kinda quickly..
Oh also another thing just stuck out to me, I noticed you plan to keep a/c temps @75 if so, then you definitely do not want waste money on co2, co2 will only be useful with much much higher temps for a sealed tent w/ co2 temps need to be around 90degree FYI.. I want to be sure you understand what your getting yourself into..
It's really that i'm not trying to talk you out of using it, I just do not think it's good to start off with.. IMO several factor should be met first before using co2, one is once you feel you done the very best you can do w/o, you have the correct light saturation per sq ft, the correct environment (temps & humidity) , also ability to read plants helps a lot because the growth will be much more extreme with co2 vs non... I'm sure there must be some other's that agree with me.. the first thing you should do if fine tune your environment get through the first grow and re-access things....This way you won't be chasing your tail, it will keep the grow simple like you want the first.. a sealed tent isn't very easy to get to optimal conditions...Using co2 will require higher temps humidity then you may be willing to use, that is a must for co2 to work, light saturation also very important, it's hard to know what the led your gonna buy will cover w/o running it... You'll use a more amount of nutes & power per grow, like double+...Remember how I said the dehumidifier will always be running an a/c unit also? and lighting and fan's and whatever other little things that plug in to the wall... But really I think like the first thing I said, most people do not start off with co2 I didn't, I first reached the point where i did the very best that i could w/o it, so when I started to use I could see my improvements... I'd just like to see ya kinda start the same way, ease your way into it, not dive into it... I always try to explain co2 to people in this way, think of a super charger, a blower or Nitrous Oxide that is basically what your adding if you know a little about race cars you know adding things like that changes the timing and many other variables, think of co2 the same way... it works the exact same way...
Thanks @Unique I really appreciate the advise. I have read some of the same conerns recently and I'm really hoping I haven't bit off more than I can chew. So, that leaves me in a dilemma. I can't spend any more on more equipment. I will continue along with what I have and continuously tweak what I need to and go low and slow and not really push the plants to hard. If I don't make it to harvest I will come up with a new plan and try again.
well if your making money from the grows then I guess you can afford to spend extra on things like that.. I sell nothing I grow, I do not make a single penny, my grows only cost me money... I have never once had an issue with the type of ph pens I use, at the price I pay for them I always have several on hand, I can tell when they start to go off and when they do I simply grab another@15$ it's easy to if the one I was using failed while still under warranty then that ones gets replaced for free and I still have plenty of extra's... I can't see paying 150$ for a name brand pen and 50-90 for probe replacements that's well over 200$ for the pen & 1 replacement approx a year worth of growing...I spend maybe 30, usually I can go 6+ months no issue with the pens I use, since I keep it clean and not let it dry out and kind of find ones with good rating, I've never been let down yet...I couldn't afford to have several 50-90$ back up probes... Even if I was making money i doubt I would spend extra on a name brand pen, when I not ever had an issue with the cheap ones...If you use them as much as I do, you know your water, know when ya add your nutes approx where your ph is at, so if my pen started acting up I'd notice that at once...I know my water very well, I know how much to ph before even checking it... I have that down 100%....I agree with @Unique on most points here. I stopped using co2 as just not cost effective. Yes the plants grew bigger faster. My plants get as big as the tent allows without co2 and maybe just a week or two slower. It required constant adjustments in the environment due to outside atmospheric changes even though it was mostly computer controlled.
I do not agree with getting inexpensive meters as I have lost entire crops because of faulty readings. I have BlueLab instruments now with a chepo back-up just in case I think something is off. I maintain it and plan on replacing it on a two year schedule. That is six or more grows times 6 plants or 36 plants with a street value $18,000 dollars +. A $150 dollar investment is just plain prudent.