Indoor Gorilla Shizzle


Old Fart
Feb 9, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Durban Poison
I have started my third auto grow. And what a strange trip it's been. First I ordered a pack of Gorilla Shizzle's with two Gorilla X Purple Amnesia's from a bank in the UK. About a week after ordering the tracking said the package was in inspection at Melbourne Australia. The problem there is I am in the Southeast US. Contacted the seller and got a quick response. They contacted Royal Mail and they said they made the error. So after a few more days with tracking saying the package was still in Melbourne the seed bank resent my order. A few days later I received my order but it was the first one. It had traveled back to the UK then to the US and a thousand more miles to me. Overall the package traveled further than it would take to circumnavigate the earth at the equator. Two days later I received the replacement package with a years worth if freebies. I apologized to the seed bank and they just told me to enjoy the second package.
So here I am with two, one week old Gorilla Shizzles. With two more seeds for future runs and four Purple for the next run.
I have a 36" x 36' x 72" tent. Right now I am using my old generic COB light. It has grown some large auto's in veg but is not worth anything in finishing. I have five Cree CXB 3590s 90 CRI at 3000K with pin heat sinks. And expect a driver for them in a week. And should have two GrowMau5 pucks with driver in six weeks. I have a six inch intake and a four inch exhaust and filter located outside the tent in a box so to reduce noise and heat.
They are in five gallon pots in Loco Coco with with Natures Living Soil for Autoflowers used as directed. My first go with both products so I have no idea whether I will have to use other amendments so to finish them. Right now it is gassed off tap water with citric acid for PH down and unsulfered molasses. Decided by weight of pots.
I will be updating once a week. Wish me luck guys and gals.
Its good fruity flavor, happy growing, and she's golfball hard
Good luck, im saving the two gorilla shizzle i have for the short stuff grow battle. Got mine as freebies from attitude with an order of spanish deseil from short stuff.
I don't expect monsters growing organically. After a little over a week and a half and one is approaching the edges of the five gallon air bag already. The other is a runt about half the size of the other. But from decades of gorilla growing on farms and corn fields. Runts usually outshine the others by finishing time.
I am at week two and development is good. A is much larger than B but we all know how runts can finish. I will let these girls grow naturally so to see their build and stature. Unless I start to run out of headroom and need to do some tying. A is 8" tall and 11.5" wide. As wide as the 5 gallon bag. B is 6.5" tall and 8" wide. They will remain under my cheap COB light until one week after showing sex. And then they will go under 5 Cree CXB 3590s for a couple of weeks. Then I will add 2 GrowMau5 pucks. I have a few pictures. The two side photos I had a brain fart and took them with the lights on. Thus the color difference. Thanks people see ya next week and take care.


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Here we are with the ladies three weeks old. And I have two different critters. A is 15" tall and stretchy. And B is 8" tall with compact nodes. Both have show sex and have no real issues. I have had them under 5 Cree CXB 3590 3000k for a few days now. I have some leaf tip curl since adding the COBs but they should harden out of that. Average temps have been low 80s during the day and low 70s at night. With humidity hovering around 45. 5 gal airbags with Coco Loco with a super soil mix. With a liter and a half of gassed off water and PH adjustment with lemon juice every three days or when the weight of the pot dictates it. I have a few pics. I took the pics with the COBs on and they show a little yellowing. But are nice and green with the stems and side branches starting to bulk up.
I grew a Gorilla Shizzle I got for free and it was some very good smoke.

I love Short Stuff Strains. They were the first strains I ever grew. Russian Rocket Fuel, Oynx, MI5, Auto Assasin.

The were easy to grow and very potent!

Good luck!
Thanks 7.62 I've read nothing negative about Short Stuff. I have sufficient seeds mostly freebies to last the year. Gorilla OG x Purple Amnesia is next in line. But I have been scoping out the Rocket Fuel. Some freebies just might have to wait until 2020.
The girls are four weeks old now and are as different as night and day. A is 28" tall and very stretchy. She was 32" but I bent the main stem and tied her down so to ensure I have the headroom to finish her without getting to creative with the lights. I plucked some fan leaves and trimmed up the bottom some so to provide circulation and bring the side branches up. Being in the south humidity is always an issue. B is 14" tall and a short squat girl that is almost as wide as her big sister. I trimmed some fan leaves and she only took a few days to fill out again. Both are into flower and the tent is developing a diesel odor. But keeping positive pressure in the ten with the exhaust about 20% less than the intake helps a lot since my Asian filter is a year old and will be replaced with a Mountain Air in about 2 weeks. I have a few pictures.

The Cree COBs give the girls a lighter color in photo's than with the naked eye
The girls are four weeks old today and looking good. A is now 34" tall and I think would fill the 9 square foot ten alone. After bending and tying down the main stem of A I now 10 branches competing to be top dog. B is 14" tall with a new defoliation. No frost yet but am using the filter now because of a diesel like aroma. Going organic was such a good move for me. Not one issue besides headroom for the big girl. But I can deal with that with a trellis. Some pics.