New Grower Gorilla Glue Autos in a 4x4 tent. New grower. Advice welcomed.

I don't see anything

You dont see anything wrong with it or are you not seeing what i was referring to?
N excess is pretty typical in FF soil, which can present like this. Just ride it out she should grow out of it. Don't add any nutes yet for sure.
Thank you lots for your help!

Ive only added silica so far.
Be really careful with the silica, I never did double check with @Mañ'O'Green but I do think there is a chance that adding too much Silica or adding just Silica without balanced nutes can lock things out (since the Silica can bind to other nutrients and make them unavailable to the plant). But that's just based off what I've seen with my own plants, I don't have any science to back that up at the moment.
Be really careful with the silica, I never did double check with @Mañ'O'Green but I do think there is a chance that adding too much Silica or adding just Silica without balanced nutes can lock things out (since the Silica can bind to other nutrients and make them unavailable to the plant). But that's just based off what I've seen with my own plants, I don't have any science to back that up at the moment.

Thanks for the heads up.
I added silica to the water last time i watered but with no nutes other than was FF adds in their soil.

I added slightly less than what the bottle advertises per gallon, and haven’t noticed anything negative with the gorilla cake strain yet( it actually looks like the stem is a little more beefier)

I’ve noticed like little gnats/flies in the soil when i sprayed neem oil on the foilage/soil so wanted to add some silica to the soil for additional protection.

I also added some sticky traps but haven’t noticed anything on them yet.
I'm no expert but both pictures look like pretty happy seedlings.
In my experience seedlings can sometimes look a bit weird but they tend to grow out of it quickly.
Keep it up