New Grower Gone 13 grows Fast Buds LSD-25 as pure perlite hempie.

3/2.........gave the acid queen her second feeding a little while ago. This was 2Gm/gal of MC. She seems to be tolerating the nutes well and continues to grow well. She should be about ready for transplant to her final container on Tuesday if all goes well. Will update then!!
I need to apologize to my thousands of dedicated readers who have, I'm sure been waiting with bated breath for updates. LOL! A worsening of my medical condition has pretty much kept me very quiet for the last couple of days due to being very short of breath with even minimal exertion. Anyway, let me fill you in on what's been happening with the Acid Queen.

She is still in her starter container but should be transplanted tomorrow if I can do it. She has had two more feedings with around 2Gms of MC/gallon. After any shock from the transplant, I will bump her up to 4Gm/gallon. I have had no trouble with transplanting either of my first two grows and I hope this one does as well.

I think the plant looks leggy so have gradually lowered the light to 29" above the plant and plan to go down a little further after transplant. I have found that you need to be very careful with COBs, even cheap ones like I's obviously not heat that causes problems because even at a foot from the light it only feels slightly warm. I believe it is the intensity of the light that is the problem especially with seedlings and young plants. Light intensity might be the next big issue with grow lights......when you grow in relatively small spaces, I think it magnifies the problem. I have no proof of this but my own observations.

Here are a couple of pictures at Day 21 of the Acid Queen..

LSD   004   Day 21.jpg

LSD   005   Day21.jpg

Again, I apologize for the picture quality!
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Well, the Acid Queen was moved to her new throne today and seemed to tolerate the move well. Transplanting with hempys has become a regular part of the process because it is much easier to feed, move, and generally care for a plant that is in a small container. Like other types of canna culture, there is disagreement about the size, type, and even the shape of the starter container! I used what I happened to have around when the need arose.....a cut down 1/2 Gal milk jug. Again, time to transplant varies widely among growers. I like to transplant shortly after the second set of leaves sets. Roots have generally become well established but not so long that you risk damaging them when placing them in their new home.

I have a fairly simple and easy way of transplanting. First, I dig a hole in the perlite medium of the final container. In my case, this is a 2.5 Gal bucket I picked up at Wally Mart for 1.98 each. The hole should be as close to the size of the small container as possible. If you lightly wet the perlite in both containers, it will stay together easier with less sliding and filling. Then I take the small container and cut down the corners of one side with scissors. I then position the small container over the hole in the new pot, pull down the flap I cut and carefully slide the plant and medium into the hole. If you are careful, this should work well. Mound up the perlite around the plant, making sure you have enough perlite to fill your container to within an inch of its top. Perlite tends to settle, especially after wetting, so you might have to add more later.

I have been thinking that the Queen looked a little leggy, so I lowered the light again to about 26"....will keep a close eye on this!

Following are some pics of this process:

LSD   006.jpg

LSD   007.jpg

LSD   008.jpg

LSD   009.jpg

The Queen in her new throne room!
LSD   010.jpg
Appears to have tolerated the transplant well.........I did raise the light back up to 30" because i didn't like the response so far.....I am more and more convinced that light intensity is an important factor in canna growth.

Feed 500ml of full strength MC 2.0[5Gm/gal].....250ml fed on each night of the 9th and 10th which are Days 25 & 26 from germination. Will be ready for pony tailing and LST soon. Weekly pictures tomorrow......Day 28.
Nice detailed journal @hesgone13 :thumbsup:. I've never watched a hempie grow before, very interesting :headbang:. Plant is looking very content buddy!

Thanks for checking out the journal, GB. Hempies are a lot of fun because most of the time the process is so simple that you have time to really enjoy your plants growth.

Do you think the journal is too detailed? I tend to run off at the keyboard sometimes.....I guess it's the English major coming out in me!
No such thing as a journal with too much detail I think :smoking:. I love reading about how different folks grow their weed! If I were to start growing in a hempie this is where I'd be stopping by first, doin a great job journaling :cheers:
No such thing as a journal with too much detail I think :smoking:. I love reading about how different folks grow their weed! If I were to start growing in a hempie this is where I'd be stopping by first, doin a great job journaling :cheers:

Thanks for the encouragement @the green bandit
Posting Day 28 pictures.........things continue to go well. The brown patch on one of the lower leaves is from a nute spill. Note the LST anchor holes drilled around the top of the bucket. She isn't quite at the point where I usually start LST but it is something I'm a firm believer in!

LSD   11   Day 28.jpg

LSD   012   Day 28.jpg