New Grower Going under the knife


AFN Infirmary specialist
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Cultivators Club
Jun 3, 2012
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:DI just watch a video of a full knee replacement that i will be getting in a while.Looks about as fun as having your dick circumzized with a salad fork.:drool:
Hey bro good luck to ya
My wife went thru it about 3 years ago I remember watching a few vids of it before she went in.
she got better flexability after than she ever had before I mean even before her knee problems
started . It hurt like a MF but just stick to the thearpy they set up for ya and you'll be fine Just bite the bullet... Karma sent yoour way:wiz:

:thumbs::smoke:I have to lose a little weight ,like ten pounds according to some body fat scale they have.I'm getting close and then call them and set a date. I had a partial left knee replacement about ten years ago and that worked out ok.The surgeon showed me the xray where you can see the femor bone has some bone decay causing the pain.I'll let you know when i find out the date.I'll make sure i have some good pain pills along with my smoke and kind of veg out for a while.
I'm not a fan of knee replacement surgery or knee surgery in general.

I'm not a fan of surgery, full stop!! :help:

I have very fortunate no never have had anything evil serious, but I've been operated on a few couple of times, and its just not fun at all.

Here's to a quick recovery! :thumbs:
I had a total hip replacement about eight years ago and a total knee replacement two years ago.

Looking back on it, neither one was that big of a deal even though I had to stay in the hospital for a few days longer than normal to make sure my bladder and bowels were working properly after the anesthesia.

The recovery and conditioning was more involved, and more painful, for the knee than it was for the hip. But you have to stick with it to get back full function. If I wanted a stiff knee joint I could have gotten a wooden leg (and a parrot), but Medicare wouldn't pay for that, so I got the high tech knee joint.

Be sure to have your doctor prescribe the machine. I forget what it's called, but you strap your leg into it for several hours a day and it exercises the joint. The medical supply guy brings it to your house and sets it up and comes and gets it when your done with it.

And be sure to follow the Physical Therapy program. You have to stretch and strengthen everything or you will end up with a stiff leg.

The bottom line is that after about ten years of being crippled and able to get around only with a walker, or a cane on a good day, I can walk pain free with no support device.