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Itd be kinda neat if we got a badge going for "AFN Breeders" Get the breeders on here together in a group to send each other genetics that we create for each other to work with and create a AFN seed bank with the best breeders and growers on this forum with the best strains that we all create together. I bet we could make it a huge success. shit we cud pay for the site alone by just selling seeds. Plus some extra im sure. Make it a free way to raise money for AFN for the cost of running the site. If the site sold more money than it cost to run the site. Use that extra money to buy giveaway prizes for contests on here. It cud make this site which is already great even a little better I feel. We can use the seeds we breed that arent the best for giveaway games or competitions. Just a cool thought and idea. @Cultivators
and go to local Medical cannabis clubs and give you seeds to people who don't have money, and need meds.