Indoor Gntelos8 loft grow

Too utilise your nutrients maybe look into some bio heaven or mammoth p too unlock some nutrients.

I would just water more frequently on a daily rather then drenching q, helps alot.
Cheers man, will look into mammoth P...and bioheaven..currently watering every 2 days when the pots are feeling lighter...but not drenching them or letting them get too dry. Had a little look today and the upped levels of bloom have taken effect quickly!
***DAY 45***
So these are the girls 45 days from seed....Top left RQS Bubble kush. 2 others are Dinafem white widow(autos!)
Seem to have steadied out after those few deficiency issues, Had another hit of Nutes today grow 1ml, bloom 2.5ml, Algamic 2ml, Heaven 2ml, topmax 1ml, and 1ml shogun calmag....I ive added the heaven as a safegaurd really and to help preven any midflower slump..( The write ups all sounded good to me.) Wtf is a midflower slump any way!! any one got a decent guess at when these girls might be ready?..Im thinking another 3 weeks ish?. @archie gemmill @Auto melt ?? what u reckon?
Frost is well on it way, and buds seem to be swelling on a daily! smelling good too!
My avaerage seems to be 75 days born on a monday chopped down 10 fridays later :pass:guesses are often wrong,adding a week on extra os seldom wrong.
Lookin mighty fine and only getting bigger :smoking:
Good luck n keep er lit
So 2 weeks since last update. DAY 59 now.
Alot has happend!. I had a niggling deficiency that i couldnt diagnose properly, I put a few pics up in the infirmary section, @Waira thinks possibly a macro nute issue...due to using biobizz nutes...very possible, it ended up getting worse with lots of leaves on one of the white widows browning and curling up...I ended up flushing them through with clean water last week...Im glad i did! it seems to have sorted out the issue no more leaves curling and browning...and they are drinking alot quicker...and buds are swelling up again! The smell this week has gone mad! They stink! My conclusion is possibly using too much epsom salts when i had a mag def early on, and then continuing with 1ml shogun calmag every feed...Looks like my plants may have been struggling with P uptake, either way the flush has definatly helped, The damage is done on one of the plants, the buds are fine, just alot of the top leaves have died, but she is still packing on bud! Trichomes are all still clear so recon another 10 -15 days to chop!
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a lil bit of wear and tear on the leaves :coffee2: but buds is getting fat :thumbsup: whack up the bloom a bit :smokeit:on the home stretch :pass:
good luck n keep er lit
a lil bit of wear and tear on the leaves :coffee2: but buds is getting fat :thumbsup: whack up the bloom a bit :smokeit:on the home stretch :pass:
good luck n keep er lit

Yeah the leaves showing a few battle wounds!! I upped the bloom today! there on 3.5 ml per litre now...will.probably up it to 4ml in a couple days! current feed is .5ml grow, 3.5ml bloom, 2ml Algamic, 2ml heaven, 3ml topmax(what a biobizz whore i am) Would you drop anything in the last few weeks @archie gemmill ? cheers.