Indoor Gntelos8 loft grow

***DAY 38***
So a mixed bag this week!. Plants arent looking as fresh and green as they were in last weeks pic. The mag defiency has really reared its head on one plant....Im hoping after 2 foliar hits of biobizz Algamic and calmag solution and an upped dosage of nutes yesterday the next few days will be see an improvement. I definatley should have fed them sooner! I was too worried after burning them a bit a few weeks ago! lessons learned!
Been a few days now since feeding them some higher levels of bloom nutes and some cal mag....and think its done the trick, 1 week earlier is when i should have ramped it up a bit! Again all.good learning though! Here she is at day 41 now.

Have you hit them with pk yet.... there going too be big plants.
Had there second hit of biobizz bloom today...2.5ml per litre along with 1ml grow, 2ml biobizz algamic, 1ml biozz topmax and 1ml shogun think its worth adding a secondary PK source?..was hoping the bloom would be enough...
Had there second hit of biobizz bloom today...2.5ml per litre along with 1ml grow, 2ml biobizz algamic, 1ml biozz topmax and 1ml shogun think its worth adding a secondary PK source?..was hoping the bloom would be enough...

Too utilise your nutrients maybe look into some bio heaven or mammoth p too unlock some nutrients.

I would just water more frequently on a daily rather then drenching q, helps alot.
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I would personally make a bat guano tea, or a simple top dress. That should defently help. And it's harder too burn the plants with organic