Outdoor GNJHLCKZ outdoor fun aka special olympics, greenhouse and balcony

balcony day 79
Gelato 41 is just wow, same for the Purple punch. both are having one last week of life, checked trichomes today.

zamnesia girls both without the main mass :( but there will still be a few joints. both looking like 2 more weeks, but if the rain will come back they are gonna get chopped to minimalize loses.

Mold resist: zamnesia 0 seedstockers 1 :pighug:

Gelato 41
Gelato 79 (2).jpg
Gelato 79 (1).jpg

beautiful Purple Punch colours
Purple Punch day 79 (2).jpg
Purple Punch day 79 (1).jpg

Purple Couskush day 79.jpg

Sticky Beast
Sticky Beast day 79 (2).jpg
Sticky Beast day 79 (1).jpg

Cant wait to try them ;) and Ill see you next time with some harvest pics ;)
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day 85 chopchop day
so all girls are down. @Seedstockers-Mark
more problems with mold + with pests so all are going down.
gelato 41 being obviously the winner, absolutely spotless plant. no mold, no bugs, easy to grow with really nice harvest
all others have some issues either mold or pests
they are chilling in the paper boxes or bags and drying.
but enough talk, let me hit you with some pics ;)
Purple couskush (only third of the plant harvested in the end- mold+pests)
Purple Couskush day 85 (1).jpg
Purple Couskush day 85 (2).jpg

Sticky beast (two thirds of the plant harvested in the end - mold)
Sticky Beast day 85 (1).jpg
Sticky Beast day 85 (2).jpg

Purple Punch (half of the plant harvested in the end - pests+a lil bit of mold in the middle of the main bud)
Purple Punch day 85 (1).jpg
Purple Punch day 85 (2).jpg

and last the best plant of this run
Gelato 41 (whole plant harvested in the end, no issues at all)
Gelato 85 (2).jpg
Gelato 85 (3).jpg
Gelato 85 (1).jpg

And Ill get back to you with some numbers next week.
Greenhouse next.
stay safe
Purple = win :pass: