Indoor Glueberry OG x2, Night Queen and Pineapple Express with Skyline LEDs


Lost in Space
Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2015
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Hey folks, here goes another Teetee grow.

While I was waiting for my enormous Auto Glueberry OG to finish, I thought I should plant a few more seeds. A couple more Glueberries for sure, they get so BIG!

Also, I love smoking Auto Night Queen..... it's such a strong smoke, and so tasty too. I just have a little bit left from the last time I grew her, so I had to include her in this run.

I put the Night Queen and Glueberry seeds directly in 5L airpots, with 100% Coco, soaked in EC 0.7 nutrient mix. The usual 20L airpots were still in use when I sowed these beans.

I only had one 20L airpot available, and so I used it for a Pineapple Express seed. I had 3 seeds from winning the COTC on AFN, and grew her once..... the first seed didn't pop, and the second time she was small, giving me just under 3 ounces, but was a very strong smoke that tasted so pineapplely!!! She was small because I had her in with plants that were a bit older, and I have this theory that when the older ones start flowering, it initiates flowering in any nearby younger plants. This results in smaller plants that finish a lot quicker.

I planned to repot the Dutch Passion strains in the 5L airpots at around week 3, they can take the stress...... hopefully.
The Pineapple Express is a Fastbuds strain, so may be less stable, I dunno. I didn't wanna take any risks with her, just let her grow in a 20L airpot from the start, and get the best out of her without stressing her out at all.

Anyway, after planting the seeds, I covered the pots in clingfilm, then put some thick card over them to block out any light, and left them in the tent to keep warm.

I planted them on the 18th Feb, and on the evening of the 20th, one of the Glueberries had popped. The following morning, the other Glueberry, then the Night Queen popped out...... but no Pineapple.

That 1st Pineapple that didn't grow has been bugging me, the only blip in my 100% successful germination technique...... I wasn't prepared to let it happen again, so on the night of the 22nd, I got impatient and dug down into the coco to rescue her.....

I must have made the hole too deep when I sowed the seed, and I'm glad I found her, she was a good inch down and was out of her shell, yellow and still looping down.... so without exposing her root at all, I hooked her head out and covered the pot with clingfilm for that night to get the humidity up... the next morning she was looking green and happy, so I uncovered her and let her get on with it.

Here they are on day 4.....
day 4 group.JPG

Clockwise from the Pineapple Express in the big 20L airpot, there's a Glueberry OG, a Night Queen, and another Glueberry OG, all in 5L airpots.

I watered them on day 5 for the first time..... just syringing 100ml of EC 0.7 feed at pH 5.8 around the roots to get a bit of oxygen in there, and fed them again 2 days later to get the tap root going before I start circumferential watering (just around the edges) to encourage side root growth.

On day 6, I took a few photos....

day 6 GB1 1.JPG

Glueberry OG 1

day 6 GB2 1.JPG

Glueberry OG 2

day 6 NQ2.JPG

Night Queen

..... and finally.....
day 5 PE1.JPG

Pineapple Express

Now I know the Pineapple is a day younger than the others, but I'm sure some of the more eagle eyed amongst you will notice she doesn't look like the others.....

The next 2 leaves are growing, so I'm not that bothered by it, but I hope this isn't a bad omen!

I had all 4 under one Skyline 400, keeping the light about 80cm above the plants.

4 days later, they looked like this....

day 10 GB1.JPG

GB1 day 10

day 10 GB2.JPG

GB2 day 10

day 10 NQ.JPG

NQ day 10

day 9 PE.JPG

PE day 9

As you can see, vigorous growth in 4 days, and they continued to flourish, so on day 12 I transferred the Glueberries into 20L airpots. I wore nitrile gloves to avoid contaminating the roots, which had already come to the edges of the 5L airpots, and carefully but quickly got them in their new pots, with more coco added around them to fill in the pot's greater diameter.
After transferring the Glueberries, I gave them a good feed with EC0.8 mix at pH 5.8.

The next day, they looked great, still growing, so no transfer shock, hopefully.
By then I had finished trimming the leaves off the old Glueberry 1, so I took her down, cleaned up the 20L airpot and transferred the Night Queen in the same way as I did for the Glueberries.
The Pineapple Express was already in a 20L airpot, so she was left untouched, just giving her a good watering.

Here's how they looked all in 20L airpots, on day 13 (12 for the PE)....

day 13 GB1.JPG

GB1 looking very lush

day 13 GB2.JPG

GB2 also in great shape

day 13 NQ.JPG

NQ.... keeping up with the Glueberries so I'm hoping she will go big!

day 12 PE.JPG

PE.... showing no signs of ill effects after her difficult start.

I think the transfer went well, the roots were being air-pruned at the edges of the pots, so now they're in larger airpots, the roots should explode with growth. As Ledbud once said... Big Roots = Big Buds.

The feed is currently made up of EC 0 rainwater, with 0.2ml/L Cal Mag, then I halve it and add A&B at 0.4ml/L. Then I recombine them and I add 0.1ml/L drip clean (to aid flushing out of excess salts), 0.3ml/L Roots Excellurator, and 0.3ml.L Nitrogen 28%. All House and Garden stuff. EC is 1.0 but soon I'm gonna start adding Multizyme and Amino Treatment (silicon), so I will reduce the A&B to accommodate for that so I don't increase the final EC.

Each plant now has its own Skyline 400, still at about 75-80cm from the plants. I'll let them grow up to the lights.

So at the end of week 2, all is good. Another good couple of weeks growth, and they'll start showing flowers. I need this to be a big haul again, cos we're gonna hopefully move again before the end of the year.
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Bringing you up to date, here's day 17.

Just 4 plants in the tent now that the last Glueberry came down, she's still drying.
day 17 group.JPG

clockwise from top, GB2, PE, NQ and GB1

The Pineapple Express is officially day 16, but I did have to dig her out as a seedling, so really she's probably day 14 or 15, but I have to say, she's looking really lovely....
day 16 PE.JPG

NQ is very vigorous and her fat leaves were getting a bit big in some of the fans, so I cut a few off to let those side branches develop....
day 17 NQ.JPG

The Glueberries are also looking great, compared to the Night Queen, they are similar sized, so either I have a couple of small Glueberries, or a massive Night Queen! Let's hope, eh? I'm sure the Skyline's will bring out the best in them. I've also snipped a few fan leaves off both plants.

Here's GB1...
day 17 GB1 2.JPG

and GB2...
day 17 GB2.JPG

Feed is now EC 1.1, I've started adding Multizyme and Amino Treatment (silicon).

My pH meter is playing up, sometimes reading pH 10-11... othertimes reading pH 5.8, so I dunno..... it's a new probe for the Bluelab Guardian, the old probe worked for 4 years, then I cracked it.... this new one is only 4 months old, if that.... not happy, but the Coco should keep things cool on the pH side of things, I just add a little squirt of pH down as I have done in previous grows.... I keep it all logged in a spreadsheet, so I can refer back if needed.

Happy growing!
How do you water? They look big for that age.
Lights on full from start?

Hey @KonopCh , thanks for the compliment.... I learned long ago, if you give autos the best start, they do well.

That's why I DON'T germinate in paper tissue or soaking in a glass of water etc..... any handling of the delicate seedling or root will shock it for a few days and that's why I plant direct in coco soaked in EC0.7 nute mix.... once they pop up, the coco is still moist, so I leave them alone. That's pretty much how it happens in nature, plant the seed and let it grow!

Usually by day 2 I use a 50ml Syringe and gently water about 100ml of the same EC0.7 nute just around the seedling, maybe 5cm diameter, and do the same thing a couple of days later. Get that tap root going!

I do this again on day 7-8 but this time adding a bit more nute around a wider diameter (maybe 10-15cm diameter) to encourage side root growth.

Then every day for 2-3 days I just water 100-200ml mainly around the periphery making a circle about 15cm diameter around the plant, with just a splash near the seedling. By the end of week 2, I'll be watering 1-2L daily all over, having increased the EC to 0.8 and go for the full hydro experience.

You can then water as often as you like, I just go daily in veg, but you can water 3-4 times a day and get better results, cos you're replenishing what the plant uses and adding oxygen to the roots each time. The more frequently you water, the more the plant gets..... whatever it's using up will be replaced! One established, it's impossible to over water coco, it drains well, giving the perfect air/water ratio that the roots need to bet big.

My lights are on 24 hours a day, no dark period. I have to give more Cal Mag as the grow progresses to help the plant cope with this.
Hope that helps!
all right @otuaflower and @Taipan cheers for the karma! Loving the new avatars.... one makes me sweat, the other makes me wanna get caned! Taipan, are you doing this to wind me up? Where we are, there's tons of snakes at the moment cos it's rainy season, and they're all trying to get inside. Can't swim in the ocean either as the rivers have flooded out into the sea, taking all the murky freshwater out with it..... along with all the Bull Sharks, they are having a feeding frenzy at the moment, Mate of mine fishes and he pulled out heaps of fish all bitten in half from the line by the Bulls!
OK, back again, and it's day 30.

day 30 group 1.JPG

clockwise from top left.... NQ GB2 PE and GB1

Height-wise, they are all about the same, around 45cm high....
day 30 group 2.JPG

The Night Queen is the biggest of them all at the moment.....
day 30 NQ 2.JPG

She is a really dense plant with a big, 60cm wide, flat canopy. All the plants are in early flowering, but NQ has the most developed. I will have to go in and remove some of the internal foliage to let some air in, and expose as many tops as I can.
day 30 NQ 1.JPG

The Pineapple Express is officially 1-3 days younger than the others, but she looks like she's caught up with the rest.....
day 29 PE 2.JPG

Shame the pics don't show how beautiful a plant this is. She's full of energy showing vigorous growth, and lovely big double serrated fan leaves. She has started to stretch, and I might take some of the big fans off to allow all the tops to pop through.
day 29 PE 1.JPG

Now the Glueberries, starting with GB1....
day 30 GB1 2.JPG

This one is looking great, absolutely teeming with tops, and also just starting to stretch. Once again, I may have to get creative with the trimmers and thin her out a touch to get the best out of her.
day 30 GB1 1.JPG

GB2 isn't as big. I think I may have pushed too hard with the nutes..... I put them all on EC 1.1 last week, and she stopped drinking and showed a little tip burn, so I backed off to EC 0.9 and after 2-3 days, she got back into gear again.
day 30 GB2 2.JPG

New growth is vigorous, there's early flowers and she's also beginning to stretch, so I am a bit happier with her now. I don't think she needs any thinning out at this stage though.....
day 30 GB2 1.JPG

I will keep them on this EC 0.9 feed for a few more days as they recover from the mild defoliation that I have planned for them over this weekend.

I am being a bit slack with the watering, I should be doing it at least once daily, but for the last week, it's been every other day.... the Glueberry 1 and Night Queen get very thirsty, so I should really pull my finger out if I want some more monsters!

That's it for now.... all looking good so far!
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