How long is a piece of string? It depends on lighting, CO2 etc. You should be able to get 300g off a plant if it is in optimal conditions
How long is a piece of string? It depends on lighting, CO2 etc. You should be able to get 300g off a plant if it is in optimal conditions
Very true, not using co2 but I'm aiming for 100 to 150g. If I were to get 150 dry off it I'm loading up. If I had the space is try a dwc again. Diesel berry seems like it would be a good candidate for making a dwc Bush from
Everything is looking good except the sucker punch. I was an idiot and let it dry up too much and it and gsc wilted badly. Both came back but sucker punch sure as hell did get some yellowing and brown crispy crunchies. you guys have resilient strains.
I am still working on my logging system. I have the documentation part almost all done but I need to get the export feature done
GSC smells AMAZING! I've never in my life smelled anything this great. I think i just found my new favorite strain. If it smells this good through out the grow ill be happy, i know its just gonna get better. its sweet but still its not over the top. it has almost the sugar cookie taste. its not thin mint cut. but its very unique. i haven't ever had a cut quite like this. it has all the unique features of the main strains all put together. it is amazing. I want to run this as a SOG like says to do. i would bet its very easy to get the 500 g/m2.

I have the updates on my computer on my program i've been working on. My project ive code named grolog. i know theres another program with that name but its a phone only app, mine is very unrefined and needs a lot of work but its what i use for now. i am going to make an export to afn feature next. it should be ready within 48 hours most. it's totally free and open source. It's available now, and it's based on php and mysql/mariadb so it can be used on any ampp lampp llmpp xampp etc. I suggest doing xampp. It's not got a lot of documentation, but i'll gladly go through and help anyone go step by step.
Anyway, herels the afn post:
Here's The github
Here's where grolog is at now

What works: -Caretaker home screen -Admin Control Panel (partially, but all on one page) -Last logins, dates and ips -add breeder -add plant -add strain -add seed bank -strain info page -plant info page -upload plant photo or take photo directly from any phone -works over any network as long as the http and mysql server are online -plant comments -start plant -sprout plant -add user through signup page (user is always an admin) -all plants ever grown -all breeders -all strains -soft delete a strain -soft delete a plant

what needs to be done -display wet weight harvest weights -dry weight harvest submission form -dry weight submission -harvest specific photos -nutrient specific feeding charting (not just comments) (most of the database is worked out, just needs finishing and a frontend page) -better documentation -breeder info page -orient photos properly -allow searching of photos not just display of most recent -allow for display of multiple photos in a timeline and in a gallery -allow photo of entire grow room -enable multiple grow rooms -create task lists -specify clones -specify mothers -specify clone generation -specify numbers

-beautify for production -export to PDF ability for paper logging
Looking great in there.
Thanks, sucker punch is going amazing, cant wait to finish it @Tyler_Durden88 did an amazing sucker punch that he said is amazing and even if its half as good as he says itll be great. I'm looking for one that'll know me out and strains that knock me out end up keeping seizures at bay for my hubby. Diesel berry is one to try! My logging system is where it's going down now. I'm gonna have to make a little server set up for you to be able to watch as I'm growing
Yeah diesel berry is on my list just have to wait I think I’ll start ilwith Kush dr and sucker punch. And hope I get candy Kush as freebie.
Your gonna be very suprised with the suckerpunch im telling ya. I got skywalker, forum stomper, double grape, gorilla glue, girlscout cookies, AVT, ultra lemon haze, and trans siberian and all anyone wants to get is the suckerpunch. And it dosent look as good as a couple of the others far as bag appeal goes. Its a sleeper strain.