Sucker punch is at day 70.
Here's a snippet from my grolog.

Evaluated plant. Appears to be nearing end stage of life. Leaves yellowing fast and trichomes all turning cloudy. Began watering with plain unphd h2o. Planned harvest is weds December 19 2018 unless the plant continues to bulk.
Crazy interesting day. Evaluated sucker punch. Yesterday day it was mostly cloudy with some clear.... today it was all cloudy with 1 or 2 amber trichomes. Only a few pistils were reversing but I am of the mind set and believe that trichomes need to be cloudy for maximum effect as cbn (amber trichomes) are just degraded thc and cbd.
So harvest just began.
Crazy interesting day. Evaluated sucker punch. Yesterday day it was mostly cloudy with some clear.... today it was all cloudy with 1 or 2 amber trichomes. Only a few pistils were reversing but I am of the mind set and believe that trichomes need to be cloudy for maximum effect as cbn (amber trichomes) are just degraded thc and cbd.
So harvest just began.
I cut them at 20 percent amber the Sucker punch rippen really well for a auto.
I cut them at 20 percent amber the Sucker punch rippen really well for a auto.
She did ripen well for me and I'm happy where she is now. Wet weight is 382 grams and I broke her down so the main cola dosent have a stem and biggest bud is goofball size so I can dry it how I like to. I always like how different people harvest at different times because it gives a good perspective for different people.
The main cola itself was a donkey dick. I couldnt believe the trichome coverage she had. I didnt realize it was there. I lost my gloves so my hands are stickey and smell sweet and just like pre 98 bubba push. I love it! I pushed a mephisto toof decay where the sucker punch is and I'll he starting another sucker punch tomorrow night after my soil arrives. harvested sucker punch at day 72 got 382 grams wet
All cloudy with q or 2 amber trichomes in each area I look. Main cola is in the post above it is 165 grams and was one big donkey dick. It has hidden trichomes you dont see while growing but upon trimming you realize you dont need to trim anywhere near as much as you think you do. I broke it down in to gold ball sized buds so I can dry via paper bag method
alright, im going to get the photos and get them posted individually not sure why the media files aren't showing right on some peoples computers
alright, im going to get the photos and get them posted individually not sure why the media files aren't showing right on some peoples computers

Might be to do with the site work:

"Hey everyone, we're transferring some data in preparation for migrating to the new server hardware (major hardware/speed upgrade,) so you may experience some random site lag while the files transfer. Further, some in-forum work is being done, so please check Announcements for updates! 12-16-18"