Outdoor Gh grow round two NO TILL( SoOregon seeds and Original strain seeds )

I started to mix my soil and I am letting the compost dry up some


Ok the worms got here faster than expected. Anyways the soil recipe I was going by said that it would fill six 10 gallon pots .... It only filled 2.5 of them .... it’s not a big deal I just need to buy more balsalt. I can make more later I am going to run two plants outside and one inside. The one for inside I will make more of the mix hopefully tomorrow. I need to get some alfalfa and plant the Dutch clove seeds.

So if you guys haven’t heard about mountain organics then please check them out. I found them on ig and love what they do. I bought the sprout tonic and on their website they do have articles talking about no till. I bought two comfrey plants (3-4 years old) and I will be buying seeds of borage, mint , and nettle. I have a huge lot and the front yard I have a huge drought tolerant garden (90% CA natives I barely have to water anything. No huge water bill on some boring ass lawn) I have yarrow so I will pull one plant out the ground and bring them in the gh. So the cover crop I have is Dutch clover but CA has native species of cloves. I found sources locally that sell bulk seeds. I am going to buy some because I also read that some cover crops can choke out weeds. I want to try them in the yard and see what happens. I know the butterflies and bees will be happy once I plant the seeds of all the plants I listed.

Ps mixing the soil was a damn workout lmao ..... time for some lunch. I also posted pic of the two recipes. I didn’t have 1 cubic ft of humus but mountain organics doesn’t use humus and I only put 0.5 cubic feet of growstone to replace the perlite. I think a full 1 cubic ft of the growstone would be over kill.

Updates : I ordered a roll of aluminet for the greenhouse we have been getting some days in the 90s and the gh temp is like 120-130F yikes !!!!

I have been having bad luck germinating the black cream seeds. 3 are gone so far. The one I planted in the gh hasn’t sprouted yet and I think it’s because it’s too hot right now and I wasn’t watering the pots enough. I put both no till pots under the piece of shade cloth I have dangling in the gh. The dark devil strain doesn’t seem to have much difficulty germinating it finally sprouted


My cousin gave me a jar of seeds that her husband had before he passed. She said that these are seeds found in buds that he bought. I have about 50 plus seeds. I want to test them out in the gh but I don’t know on how to go about this. Some of the seeds will be males probably. I seen other growers sprout many seeds and cull very quickly by picking out the seedlings that aren’t growing vigorously. These seeds are also photoperiods btw. So I am not sure what to do yet.
Grow em all in same conditions, start all in same pots for a couple of weeks, then transplant em to bigger pots and while doing it you can select the first and after another couple of weeks select again and show here.
I haven’t been on here in a while but I have more updates ! So the zone I live in it’s way too hot to use fabric pots. I ditched the fabric pots and redid them all. I carefully picked out all the red wigglers to not kill the poor guys. I also found a useful thread on another forum about autos in no till. I am going to make my own seed starter mix as directed via that (thread on other forum )

So I have three 7 gal no till for my autos. Then a 15-20 gal no till for the photoperiods. I plant to make more for the photoperiods later.

I also think I am going to wet down the compost I have. It’s llama manure and it is having a hard time breaking down ( because of my hot climate) so when I had the fabric pots I had so many issues and dry spots. Some of the manure was rock hard.
