Outdoor Gh grow round two NO TILL( SoOregon seeds and Original strain seeds )

Here is what I need to finish cleaning up in the gh. We are about to throw down this weed barrier and build these fabric raised beds I purchased from grassroots fabric pots. I will be buying aluminet and solar fan system soon. There isn’t any electricity or water running in here.we will be running a water line soon but will be using solar for everything else.
awesome space!
Wow....thats one heck of a space to grow in!! Looking forward to seeing how you do!!

We finished the second bed and I received my six 10 gallon pots and two 15 gallon . I am thinking of buying another raised bed. Next i need to source soil but I may just make it my self since I located local compost
Not sure if the strain is a photoperiod or an autoflower, so i figured i would just post links for both

I will be doing both autos and photoperiod. Thanks for the links !

Yesterday I located composted so I went and picked it up yesterday. Next is to get some worms. I found a very nice worm compost bin I will be buying. The brand is called hungry bin. I have two tumbler compost bins I got off cl. They are good I am trying to get the hang of it.
Small update I ordered worms online. They should be coming this week. So I’m going to lay it all out right now I’m not two good at math. Most artist aren’t anyways haha

I need to do some calculating on how much soil to make because I won’t be using all of the ingredients I have. The recipe I am using calls for equal parts compost , pear moss and pumice. It is very hard to find pumice that isn’t expensive around here. I was told by a succulent grower that they shut down a lot of pumice mines. I haven’t checked prices in a while but I can never located it. I have growstones is there a purpose for the pumice other than aeration for the roots ?