Outdoor Gh grow round two NO TILL( SoOregon seeds and Original strain seeds )

May 10, 2017
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So I got this huge gh for my business and I will be trying it again this year. The gh has no heating or electricity. I only have vents at each end and roll up sides. I will be getting some fans hopefully soon but my first grow plants where fine just dwarf. I will be posting some old pics of my first grow in the gh for comparison. I am repeating my self because I meant to say that here and not in the indoor grow thread I just made hahaha

The strains I will try will be sooregon sweet tooth. I have two seeds left of that strain or one ( I will have to double check) The other strain is by original strain seeds and it’s their cheese auto.

I just need a few more ingredients to complete the no till soil I am making. Stay tuned !
Ok here are the pics I promised. These are cbd strain that I dwarfed on accident. This was my first grow last year and I sprouted seeds in one of those biodegradable jiffy pots. I waited too long to transfer. They looked like they where doing well but they never really grew. Prepare to laugh haha




Here is what I need to finish cleaning up in the gh. We are about to throw down this weed barrier and build these fabric raised beds I purchased from grassroots fabric pots. I will be buying aluminet and solar fan system soon. There isn’t any electricity or water running in here.we will be running a water line soon but will be using solar for everything else.
Hey Queen,

if i would have a GH like yours, oh my...would fullfill my dreams this summer, but unfortunately i grow illegal and have to do guerilla style outdoors, can't wait what you'll do that GH soon, will be interesting summer and i'll follow for the ride, good luck!
Passing some:pass:
Hey Queen,

if i would have a GH like yours, oh my...would fullfill my dreams this summer, but unfortunately i grow illegal and have to do guerilla style outdoors, can't wait what you'll do that GH soon, will be interesting summer and i'll follow for the ride, good luck!
Passing some:pass:

Thanks. It’s not going to be no huge grow but I will be planting some strains in the teen house next week
High AutoQueen,

Love your greenhouse size! I'm drooling as well! Are you going to try planting some in the ground? Hope you don't mind if I follow along. Thanks.

My soil is so hard I would have really dig down and amendment which is too much work. To put the gh up we had to rent an auger for the footings
Ok here are the pics I promised. These are cbd strain that I dwarfed on accident. This was my first grow last year and I sprouted seeds in one of those biodegradable jiffy pots. I waited too long to transfer. They looked like they where doing well but they never really grew. Prepare to laugh haha




I never laugh at frost!