Outdoor GG goes big hemp.

I moved to working the new extraction lab my boss wants instead of running around in the field. I havnt been there since they started harvesting. I finished my first two batches of about a quart each, of 70% canibinoid whole flower hemp extract. Franklin and Remission varieties. It takes a minute to learn some of this stuff, none of us have done ethanol extraction before, and every step of the way we need another piece of equipment, or a chiller breaks down, etc. It's been a really long couple months, but I love my job. Have had to repair vacuum pumps and broken glass bits several times along the way.

Running a -60C ethanol extraction and filtration. Our bags can hold about 8 pounds of hemp at a time, into 8 gallons ethanol, and we are manually filtering to 1 micron. Then into a 50 liter rotary evaporator, getting about 8 to ten liters per hour of alcohol out. Then warming plate to rough purge, and a vaccum oven for a final purge and decarb.

We have a centrifuge now, but it's not set up and programmed yet. There is no manual in English of course. That will replace the extraction and filtration part we are doing the hard way right now.
ya, been gone a bit. Busy as hell. I just stopped in today because I wanted to look up some info on mega crop. I made the switch to it, and gonna giver a spin with some White Gem bean.
MC is good stuff...even more so since they updated the formula.
MC is good stuff...even more so since they updated the formula.

Have you got a good feed schedule? I was trying to figure out how I want to measure it, I'm gonna have to convert Milliliters to cups or something
Have you got a good feed schedule? I was trying to figure out how I want to measure it, I'm gonna have to convert Milliliters to cups or something
So...I'll tell you what I do. I use a 1/4 tsp as a measuring device. In promix, I feed straight water until day 10. On day 10 I feed one scoop/gallon. The next feeding I feed 2 scoops, and so on. Full strength for me (depending on what the plant wants, you know how to read plants) is around 4 scoops/gallon...although some of my hungriest plants got up to 6/gallon. I don't use the sweet candy any more, and add bud explosion around the second week of flower, I also start backing down on the MC at this point gradually. BE I start with 1 scoop, and full strength is 2. I also use their calmg when needed. Let me know if you have more questions....hope it helps.
I managed to get a few decent pics this week. It was another crazy as shit week at the farm. My lab got shut down by the city, and we had to move everything on short notice. I'm now trying to run a lab inside a greenhouse. I kinda like it better than an office space anyway, I get to look at row after row of succulents, hemp, and flowers all day while I work.

I finally got around to cleaning up my grow room and running all new "plumbing." This RiG is awesome! She can drain from either/both tanks or transfer between them. It's got a waterfall in either/both tanks. She can run a drip line, or I can let it go to undercurrent if I want. It's nearly perfection. If I feel like it I could really use this to take scientific notes and answer some deep hydro questions. Or I could just enjoy the WHITE GEM I planted.

Setup looks sweet. Just an observation and curious on your thoughts. Do you think the clear tubing will cause any issue with algae and lights. I always think back to reading posts of drip line users that had clear valves that would grow algae. Is the fast moving current of water better so clear is ok. Or is there something that makes it a non issue. If you run beneficial bacteria dies that negate the need to be so nervous about light leaks into the water system. I run DWC so I’d love your thought but I know you are very busy.

Lab looks fantastic. I have been doing small scale vacuum distillation recently with lab equipment and love the results.