Outdoor GG goes big hemp.

Thanks brother. My feet are sore as hell but my mind is on fire! I love this new life I started. My GF is moving in this summer too, and she cooks!
:worship:You must respect a woman that can produce a good meal:worship:I'm very happy for you bro....you have a life worth envying!:pass::smokeit:
So here are some new photos from the same angles as the first ones. The plants are mostly doing really well considering all the starting problems. They did not plan this well. We have bad soil, planted very late, and left the starts in flats too long. Many of them flowered early and I had to replace them. We had issues with irrigation, and no one know how much nutes to feed at what stage! Crazy, I know. But that's why I'm there! They need me! One of the cooler things that they let me do was send off some leaf for tissue analysis. The report is really cool, it shows all the plant nutrients in percent of biomass. The only thing we are deficient in is Boron, and the only thing we are high in is Magnesium. I also got a look at the THC/CBD tests from the winter crop that I am about to start extracting. It included terpenes too, so I can actually get a proper idea of what each variety is doing.






That last one shows an unexpected problem. We had a "gully washer" of a rainstorm this weekend, the discolored plastic shows where water washed over the plastic rows. Surprisingly the only damage was here where the soil covering the plastic on the side of the row got washed out. This field has TERRIBLE soil. The 2nd field is much better. If you've never dealt with clay before, count your blessings. This stuff has no nutes, no organic matter, no aeration, and hardly drains at all.

I have talked to my boss about it several times, and I think I finally have him convinced to let me start a giant compost pile and also to cover crop these fields over winter and between rows at next planting. I'll have this soil fixed up in 1 year if they let me do it.


As you can see from this pic, they are not all growing equally. This is because I got whatever he had in the greenhouses and some of it was crap. He left them in plugs too long, some had been topped multiple times, most were root bound for a while. I really need to get inside my bosses head, he needs to understand how to grow this stuff or toss money out the window. Just to spray this stuff with neem once costs a couple hundred dollars, the nutes are in the thousands, the machinery rental, etc.... he probably has already spent 100k on this at least.
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First off. This stuff is looking pretty good. The large ones in the foreground I put in Monday on double drip lines. They were floundering in another property in 1 and 3 gallon pots. I cut off about an inch of roots and sank em in the ground. I've lost four or 5 to wind, but they are recovering nicely. The babies in the back are now in the ground two weeks and should start to put on some growth show or die trying. We have a lot of beetles. Striped bastards, blackflea sons-a-bitches, weevils, hoppers, and everything else.
But it's mostly on account of the striped flea beetle shown below.



I put out parasitic mites on all 8000 plants in the field. I sprayed grandevo, and I am thinking of trying botaniguard next. A one two OMRI listed remedy.

We also have a weed issue in those stupid plastic rows. among other things, leaky drip tape, serious vines and tall grass weeds.

I have taken to push mowing between rows, followed by a weedeater. But the grande finale is I ordered 250 gallons of 30% vinegar. The vines are getting burned. And yes, I also have a torch should all else fail.


Now onto the other folly. My boss (before I got there) had a laborer take a hedge trimmer to these girls after taking clones from the mercilessly. They all had some rot when I got there. I told him what was coming then. Now you can see full bud rot, in all it's glory. These are three hoop houses full of about 80 plants each, all completely rootbound and hacked to bits, not pruned afterwards. It's ugly, and if you wish to change the channel, I wouldn't blame you!


Happy growing.
I almost forgot. I have been staying late and getting this thing up and closer to operational. We have bare bones but this is a 50 Liter Rotary Evaporator, water vacuum, sub zero chiller, and not in frame is a -60C freezer, and a vacuum oven.

Just need a few more things. Like a trash can, a sink, and some alcohol.


I almost forgot. I have been staying late and getting this thing up and closer to operational. We have bare bones but this is a 50 Liter Rotary Evaporator, water vacuum, sub zero chiller, and not in frame is a -60C freezer, and a vacuum oven.

Just need a few more things. Like a trash can, a sink, and some alcohol.

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"Just need a few more things".............like a crop!
Man, what a daunting job, @themoment. Seems you need a team of "you". A cautionary tale for sure......planning, planning, and more planning. Someone didn't realize you have to start @thestart. Now they've called in the "expert" and all eyes on you.
Clay:nono: Composting isa good call, period! Find cover crops that can bust up clay. Hope the bosses don't "think" there is a quick fix for clay. Replace that plastic with compost mulch, walk the rows and pull young weeds, which go into the compost. You need a hard core greencrew to direct. Pulling weeds keeps gardeners right where they need to be.
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Got expect a few bumps I guess, the budrot is truly gruesome:nono: Hope you can get that operation performing well!
and that equipment is very sexy:smoking: