Outdoor GG goes big hemp.

Rev. Green Genes

Time is an Illusion. Lunchtime doubly So.
Dec 20, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Alien V. Triangle, Double Grape
Howdy folks. It's been a long couple months for me. But things are finally settling into place. Lots of big life changes this year. There are really only a few really big aspects to life. Work, home, relationships, and security; for example. So I seeing changes in all of them. What good is life if it's not exciting? am i right?

I found a new job as grower at a plant farm. I am responsible for CBD hemp. I have planted about 12 acres in plasticulture and they are now two weeks old. What an opportunity!! Here are a few pics.

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I will be keeping my diary here and sharing details of growing, harvesting, and extraction. My boss has a 13 and a 4 gallon distillation apparatus, ovens, chillers, sub zero freezers, etc.

I have been busy transplanting in replacements for ones that flowered early, and watching insects closely. This is the first year in our area where hemp has been widely planted. We are in on the ground floor here, and as an established farm we have a huge leg up. I have not been here long, but my boss respects my knowledge and that motivates me to do the best I can.

We have 25 acres of greenhouse space and I will be doing a massive indoor grow this winter. More to come on that as it develops. We are already running both shortday and autoflower varieties and have thousands of clones sold.

So buckle up, I will try to post here once a week at least. Feel free to join or start a discussion here!

If you are a fellow hemp grower, or breeder, please join in and lets share the wealth of knowledge we have together!

Peace- GG
Howdy folks. It's been a long couple months for me. But things are finally settling into place. Lots of big life changes this year. There are really only a few really big aspects to life. Work, home, relationships, and security; for example. So I seeing changes in all of them. What good is life if it's not exciting? am i right?

I found a new job as grower at a plant farm. I am responsible for CBD hemp. I have planted about 12 acres in plasticulture and they are now two weeks old. What an opportunity!! Here are a few pics.

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I will be keeping my diary here and sharing details of growing, harvesting, and extraction. My boss has a 13 and a 4 gallon distillation apparatus, ovens, chillers, sub zero freezers, etc.

I have been busy transplanting in replacements for ones that flowered early, and watching insects closely. This is the first year in our area where hemp has been widely planted. We are in on the ground floor here, and as an established farm we have a huge leg up. I have not been here long, but my boss respects my knowledge and that motivates me to do the best I can.

We have 25 acres of greenhouse space and I will be doing a massive indoor grow this winter. More to come on that as it develops. We are already running both shortday and autoflower varieties and have thousands of clones sold.

So buckle up, I will try to post here once a week at least. Feel free to join or start a discussion here!

If you are a fellow hemp grower, or breeder, please join in and lets share the wealth of knowledge we have together!

Peace- GG
Dude! Congrats on the kick ass new job:d5: I can't wait to see how that big field progresses:smokeit: The indoor stuff sounds really cool also:vibe: I'll be following along, great to see you my friend:pass:
Dude! Congrats on the kick ass new job:d5: I can't wait to see how that big field progresses:smokeit: The indoor stuff sounds really cool also:vibe: I'll be following along, great to see you my friend:pass:

Thanks brother. My feet are sore as hell but my mind is on fire! I love this new life I started. My GF is moving in this summer too, and she cooks!
nice job,dream job :thumbsup: ive allways wanted to take a combine harvester to a big field of weed :yay: showing the world its ok,nothing to be scared of :clapper: its a plant that can be farmed like other plants.
keep it up :toke:
keep it lit n good luck :pass:
AWESOME! Congrats!


Howdy folks. It's been a long couple months for me. But things are finally settling into place. Lots of big life changes this year. There are really only a few really big aspects to life. Work, home, relationships, and security; for example. So I seeing changes in all of them. What good is life if it's not exciting? am i right?

I found a new job as grower at a plant farm. I am responsible for CBD hemp. I have planted about 12 acres in plasticulture and they are now two weeks old. What an opportunity!! Here are a few pics.

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I will be keeping my diary here and sharing details of growing, harvesting, and extraction. My boss has a 13 and a 4 gallon distillation apparatus, ovens, chillers, sub zero freezers, etc.

I have been busy transplanting in replacements for ones that flowered early, and watching insects closely. This is the first year in our area where hemp has been widely planted. We are in on the ground floor here, and as an established farm we have a huge leg up. I have not been here long, but my boss respects my knowledge and that motivates me to do the best I can.

We have 25 acres of greenhouse space and I will be doing a massive indoor grow this winter. More to come on that as it develops. We are already running both shortday and autoflower varieties and have thousands of clones sold.

So buckle up, I will try to post here once a week at least. Feel free to join or start a discussion here!

If you are a fellow hemp grower, or breeder, please join in and lets share the wealth of knowledge we have together!

Peace- GG
Howdy folks. It's been a long couple months for me. But things are finally settling into place. Lots of big life changes this year. There are really only a few really big aspects to life. Work, home, relationships, and security; for example. So I seeing changes in all of them. What good is life if it's not exciting? am i right?

I found a new job as grower at a plant farm. I am responsible for CBD hemp. I have planted about 12 acres in plasticulture and they are now two weeks old. What an opportunity!! Here are a few pics.

View attachment 1074181 View attachment 1074182 View attachment 1074183

I will be keeping my diary here and sharing details of growing, harvesting, and extraction. My boss has a 13 and a 4 gallon distillation apparatus, ovens, chillers, sub zero freezers, etc.

I have been busy transplanting in replacements for ones that flowered early, and watching insects closely. This is the first year in our area where hemp has been widely planted. We are in on the ground floor here, and as an established farm we have a huge leg up. I have not been here long, but my boss respects my knowledge and that motivates me to do the best I can.

We have 25 acres of greenhouse space and I will be doing a massive indoor grow this winter. More to come on that as it develops. We are already running both shortday and autoflower varieties and have thousands of clones sold.

So buckle up, I will try to post here once a week at least. Feel free to join or start a discussion here!

If you are a fellow hemp grower, or breeder, please join in and lets share the wealth of knowledge we have together!

Peace- GG

Holy Hemp Farm Rev!! ........ :d5:

That's a helluvah a lotta planting!!
I'm super glad that life is rolling your way and you got the dream job!!!

If planting a farm doesn't deserve a :slap: .... I don't know what does! :D


Blue ^_^