sure @Mossy so the final bunch i need to tag as that was my plan for saturday updates anyhow i can do that pal
sure @Mossy so the final bunch i need to tag as that was my plan for saturday updates anyhow i can do that pal

Brilliant Thank you @St. Tom ..:bravo:..I know I can count on your thank you for the Help with the Teams..
Well look what was at the mail box when I stopped by my Podunk office, @Mossy @bushmasterar15 I will get some germed and pics up later today before work again.
Well here are the two Stone Dragons and weird looking little Blue Toof. Hopefully Stone gave me a male and a female in this pair. I'll get them up-potted in a week or so.


Here is a family pic of the whole cabinet. The two sad little plants in the back are both seeded and have lived in 35C temps most of their lives, hence their puny stature.


I have an HLG 100 LED on its way, so the last of my blurple lights is fixing to get retired. The HLG ought to make this cabinet rock!
eye i boss.

@Rev. Green Genes

@St. Tom

It looks like this is the final list...:headbang:...could you all please Tag in the 10 members I have you tagged with every weekend when you do your own updates.

I'm working on a Huge Battle for I want to pair each Team of 10 with a Team Leader who will tag them in each week for updates...and arrange final photos for the poll.

Let me know...:headbang:

@midIN ...saw your question in mails...thought I'd explain on thread for everyone...

@Son of Hobbes has bought an add on that will help us automate the battles.

It is Supposed to let us co-ordinate the battle info a bit like a Darts league...but..that is all I know about it.

The 5 [HASHTAG]#short stuff[/HASHTAG] growers will be the first to try it out...shouldn't be any extra work for you....and if it works...All of the battles will be run through it 2019....:headbang:

Ok, I got it all on a sticky note. I shalt not forget.