Ok guys I see that some folks are receiving the test beans..... I spoke with the orchestrator of this test run (GA6) and he was able to answer a few of the questions leading into the grow......
We want to start all of the beans with all entries at the same time if possible..... when you receive the beans please refrain from germ until all have received there packages.......
If possible when the beans are received chime in either on the thread here or p.m me and once we're all on board it'll be go time...
This will be kept in a GROW O

style grow so all plants will be DOCUMENTED HERE in this thread that has already been started......
And it's an anything goes grow....... no holds bar..... any style any training, topping, lollipopping, or anything else you want to do to them..... I just picked up a vile of human growth hormone to add to my AN feed schedule so up your game boys this is gonna be fun lol.....