Indoor GA's Short Stuff's testers list. 'Shortstuff Testers Wanted'

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They are stacking up nicely and still have a good bit of straight water to drink and really firm up
Not ready for chop just yet especially one of the hods she just keeps going
All smell crazy nice the mrs came up and wondered what i was doing said they smell peng haha i love the smell of alll but the blue diesel is really caught my nose i could just sotnthere all day smelling it

These plants seem awsome for people with small spaces or who dont smoke a great deali would run again but maybe one or 2 just cause these smell awsome.
Looking good Loki :smokeit:

These plants seem awsome for people with small spaces or who dont smoke a great deali would run again but maybe one or 2 just cause these smell awsome.

Perfect for people like me then lol Only grow for myself so as long as i get 2 or 3 zips i'm usually happy till next harvest :biggrin:
looking delightful loki!:drool:same here hod has a way to go.:thumbsup:the hbd is just about done, :woohoo1:and dr feelgood I am not sure:shrug:where she is at, I think I will have to look at trichome's with her:dancer:
Day 61 of torture for the hods :frowny1:

Kind of looking like shit but they are still going lol Haven't really been paying attention to them besides just to check quick if they need water as its been ultra dry in my basement and have been drying out left and right so stupid me has burnt the shit out of them as i kept feeding my usual dose of nutes instead of cutting back like i should have :cuss:

HBD is doing pretty good though lol

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The way this week's gone I wasn't sure if I was going to get this in or not. I gotta say even though the Dr.Feelgood is small it's still impressive. I mean it grew under a Blackstar 135w ufo this whole grow. What are these ufo's actual wattage? I know it's not 135 actual watts....and I'm looking at an Oz there dry. It would be perfect for a true medical user with limited space and budget. Cool lil feller. Smells like dirt and chocolate.

My HOD smells like a bag of fresh unpeeled oranges. Neat.





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whats amazing is, there is as many different structure's and shapes. each one different. very few lookalike's. :woohoo1::cheers:
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