Indoor GA's Short Stuff's testers list. 'Shortstuff Testers Wanted'

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Looking really good guys,Won't be able to snap any pics of mine for a couple days as the wife took the camera with her on her little vacation.

Wish mine looked as healthy but unfortunately there was a little mix up with the nutes and water used lol Been working a bit more so tasked the wife with watering which was a mistake as it was her 1st time and she ended up using tap water and the basic G-M-B instead of my distilled and connoisseur so it created a bit of ph lock out :nono:

A little bit on the pale side with spotted bottom leaves but they are coming back around now and have been taken out of the solo cups and replanted in my little 1.8 litre pots lol

Day 20



And some feelgood
I might try some on the HOD and Dr feel good as hbd on mine aint the stongest where as dr feel good and HOD are doing well tho dunno if there bushy/ bigenough to pony tail
all looking good Atrain.:thumbsup:i like the smooth look of the dr f mutant. she is different.:pass:
Looks like christmas is coming a little early for me this year lol Wife called me this morning still feeling a little bad so she told me to use the credit card and grab a couple things to build my new cab

Just placed an order for a 400w dimmable ballast and a new carbon filter so now all i need is just the wood and i'll be ready to start building :mrgreen:
Son dropped by so used his phone for a pic,A little droopy with being water logged from a flush but should be back to normal soon

Can see the damage on the bottom but thank god i caught it and hasn't went any further

IMAG1000 - Copy.jpg
here they are day 20:pass:did not have to feed them just move them to get to the big girls in behind.:biggrin:
just a few quick shots.:cheers:first dr f ,next hbd and last hod.:cheers:
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