New Grower Garden of the Hesperides: II

Day 9: Lights on full 100%

Current enviroment: 27C/81F and 65%RH

Still crooked but straightened out a bit


That lean! Ack, hope I got it rotated right finally. It's less sensitive once it gets a little bigger but right now.. ugh, looks so bad to me. I had it perfect like 3 days ago then I had to go and move stuff "just a little bit"...... LITFA


A solo cup of soil and careful placement will straighten that stem right out, DCL.
Yep, I do that all the time. When I plant my seedlings I intentionally leave a depression about 3-4" deep in the center where I plant the baby. When it starts to stretch I backfill with soil. Some stretch more then others.
Day 10: Stem still a little bent so I pushed some dirt gently against the bottom and rotated the pot a few more degrees. Still haven't added anything as the pot is heavy and the soil still damp through the top.

Current environment: 27c/81f 68%rh with lights on full 100% @~12"

Other than my buffoonery causing the stem to bend and reach for the light things are going smooth.


For other new growers looking or following along, I found all the discussion of "nodes" and "topping" to be very confusing until I grew my first plant. I've tried to label the nodes as they've progressed so far. Hopefully this will be helpful. I'll update with another "node count" image once the 4th grows out and before I top. This strain is supposed to get quite tall and I am a bit short on height.

Do you guys think the internode distance is pretty tight?


Another shot of the node cluster...

I took some of the advice above and pushed a little dirt gently against the stem to make it more vertical. I tried not to bury too much of it. Just a couple millimeters.


Grow straight ya bastid!

Thanks for looking!
Day 10: Stem still a little bent so I pushed some dirt gently against the bottom and rotated the pot a few more degrees. Still haven't added anything as the pot is heavy and the soil still damp through the top.

Current environment: 27c/81f 68%rh with lights on full 100% @~12"

Other than my buffoonery causing the stem to bend and reach for the light things are going smooth.

View attachment 1295120

For other new growers looking or following along, I found all the discussion of "nodes" and "topping" to be very confusing until I grew my first plant. I've tried to label the nodes as they've progressed so far. Hopefully this will be helpful. I'll update with another "node count" image once the 4th grows out and before I top. This strain is supposed to get quite tall and I am a bit short on height.

Do you guys think the internode distance is pretty tight?

View attachment 1295121

Another shot of the node cluster...
View attachment 1295122

I took some of the advice above and pushed a little dirt gently against the stem to make it more vertical. I tried not to bury too much of it. Just a couple millimeters.

View attachment 1295123

Grow straight ya bastid!
View attachment 1295124

Thanks for looking!

i think the bend makez her look cool :dancer::biggrin: ppp
Curves on a lady never hurt!!!

This is just me, and I don't have like science and stuff to back me up. But I would bury that until its straight if you want it to, I don't think it hurts the stem. I've refilled almost every single pot I've ever used after soil compacts, and I've backfilled at least 6-8 seedlings that looked like that. You can even wait a week or two until it gets a little more solid then bury it too.

Again, no science behind that, just something I've done alot with no bad effects.
Day 10: Stem still a little bent so I pushed some dirt gently against the bottom and rotated the pot a few more degrees. Still haven't added anything as the pot is heavy and the soil still damp through the top.

Current environment: 27c/81f 68%rh with lights on full 100% @~12"

Other than my buffoonery causing the stem to bend and reach for the light things are going smooth.

View attachment 1295120

For other new growers looking or following along, I found all the discussion of "nodes" and "topping" to be very confusing until I grew my first plant. I've tried to label the nodes as they've progressed so far. Hopefully this will be helpful. I'll update with another "node count" image once the 4th grows out and before I top. This strain is supposed to get quite tall and I am a bit short on height.

Do you guys think the internode distance is pretty tight?

View attachment 1295121

Another shot of the node cluster...
View attachment 1295122

I took some of the advice above and pushed a little dirt gently against the stem to make it more vertical. I tried not to bury too much of it. Just a couple millimeters.

View attachment 1295123

Grow straight ya bastid!
View attachment 1295124

Thanks for looking!
I just got this one and Trizzlers in my Auto Cup kit. Looking forward to your grow. Good luck!

Soon it will straighten out, just spin the container 180 degrees every 1-2 days. The soil tamp job fixed 75% of it, the grow light willl do the other 25%.