Indoor Gambian x Haze Auto

Photos above are not labeled correctly. Monday was day #11. This shot is day #14

2 Male have shown sex, 1 was culled for it's lanky long nodes and showed sex at day 10, way to early.. the 2nd male is all fuzzy deep inside
and if you didn't see his clusters you'd swear it a girl. short, super tight nodes and excellent branching. It's declared sex by having the sex
organ already on an extended branch. clustering should begin soon, checked every 2 days.

Once a few pollen sacs get full of goodness, I'll pull the dude, hold him over 2 favorite plants in a separate bath tub and shake like hell.. I call
this "preflower pollenating ". Usually gets me between 20 and 40 seeds off 2 plants. because, you can only impregnate the exposed hairs.
some pollen may brush off onto another plant, no biggie. Just don't want a full on seeded crop while saving the genetics at the same time.

Now this is 2wks old exactly.. thanks for stopping in
2wks old c.jpg

Up next is 3 Blueberry Autos and 3 Gambian F7's .

small tent needs updating.jpg
Good looks dude, excited to follow this one - whos the blueberry autos from?
Good looks dude, excited to follow this one - whos the blueberry autos from?
It was from a guy "Alaskagrown" and it took forever to finish being the Sativa dom pheno of the BB. I want my Autos to come in around 75 days
and this wasn't even close. I took them over to a buddies house with a larger setup and one took 95 days.. smoke wasn't anything to write home about so moved on..

The Gambian was so good we called it Gamhazn...