Indoor Gambian x Haze Auto


Auto Guru
Feb 13, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
New strain to me.. nothing could be as bad as the seeds from Weedseedsexpress that went 3 for 15.. stay away from WSE.

Gambian x Neville's Haze Auto from a buddy up in Alaska I've not seen in 14yrs or more.. he still grows my Wardawg I created way back then..

I'll be running these in a small tent up grading them to a slightly larger tent with stronger light in a few weeks while I start Blueberry Autos right behind these..

Soil: Roots Organics
Foods: Dutch Mills Foods
Lights: Spider Farmer and Hlux
Schedule: 18/6 to start, 20/4 last 3wks.

Feed, water, water... repeat.

9 for 9 in germination, all plants up in 3 days.. tomorrow is #1 feeding at 10% strength.
Auto Grow Day 1.jpg
Gambian x Haze day 1.jpg
Thanks ya'll.... lost my way, had so many photo periods I had to grow some out. Finally gave them all away because we moved..
forcing me into tents and a move to LED's. Tried staying with photos, didn't work.
My last grow instead of harvesting the 6 I needed, I had 4 plants either not show up, feminized seed plants going male.. dang u WSE..

I had some old seed stock called Wild Thailand Ryder and these 10yr old seeds out performed seeds that are not cheap, and junk.

wtr 60 days in.jpg
wtr 60 days.jpg
wtr 60 up close.jpg
How's the smoke from that Ryder? Sounds intriguing....
How's the smoke from that Ryder? Sounds intriguing....

Funny you ask.. clipped a nug off of it and let it dry. The high from it at just 60 days and milky trich's is flat out incredible. The best way I can
describe it is to compare it to my favorite stone that is Bubba Kush. Bubba always gave me that up beat stone, like back in the early years when
puffing a doob wouldn't mean a nap will soon follow. I just took 3 hits off my chillum and am uplifted but seriously stoned, head and body..
but in the head it's not that dizzy high you get from some early chopped buds.. I call that hangover weed.. lol

These seeds are from like 10yrs ago or so, my buddy sat on them and recently returned them to me... hahaha.

This girl will come down in another 2wks or so.. I want to see her put on more plump and them hairs to disappear..

stay tuned.
Funny you ask.. clipped a nug off of it and let it dry. The high from it at just 60 days and milky trich's is flat out incredible. [snip]

stay tuned.

I will-following.
Blueberry Auto
Realizing I'm about to chop 2 plants and have empty tents, tonight I shook off the Covid crap, after sleeping ALL DAY.. I checked the seeds I put
into water last night and all sank. So this morning they went into damp paper towels, into a baggie and should be ready Sunday night..

Dug out the Oxy Pot collection.. thought I had 5, turns out I have 5 of the 1.5gal pots and a 2.2gal pot. so added another seed to make it 6.

Oxy Pots are incredible, perfect for autos and even the 1.5gal pots can bring in a nice plant.. but I prefer the 2.2.

Blueberry Autos are also from my northern brother "Alaskagrown" who did a huge giveaway.. weird part is, it was how we reconnected after
15yrs.. so sent him some love back.

Stay tuned, I'll be running both the Gambian x Haze and the Blueberry Autos all on this thread... should be fun
I'm calling this strain "Gamz" as a nickname, I'll see what Alaskagrown thinks of it, this way I don't have to write the long combo of it is all ok..

Gamz plants are just 2 days old and looking great... a few born 3 days ago, but I'm going with the 22nd as DOB in honor of my Mom RIP..
Happy Birthday Sandy Bottoms, my mom was so cool...

Today was watering day and I gave them some Mikro Myko to get them roots a kicken. These Hlux lights are impressive for what they cost.

Gamz x 9.jpg
gamz x 6.jpg
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gamz h.jpg