New Grower G14 and AKR

Fat nugs!!!! They look awesome!

Your starting water at 200 is good and your range is fine. 1500-2000 is danger zone. The only thing I know from what others have told me is you want the numbers to be close to the same going in and coming out.
Here’s the chart ALR gave me. I don’t fully comprehend it lol but the bottom is where lockout can happen.
Well got home from work and checked my sprouts. G14 is great. Almost standing up. Gonna count tomorrow as day 1. She's now in a home of pro mix mixed with 15 percent perlite. My Afghan kush ryder (seeds I got from my hermied plant) was sprouted but laying over and covered in mold. Shoulda took a picture. Tossed her and started fresh with another Afghan seed. If this one acts funny I'm gonna pitch all the seeds and just say forget it aint worth time or risk. Anyone have this happens before? I've heard its common from all the moisture on me having them inside something in a rapid rooter.
Does sound like maybe it was caused from being too moist in the rapid rooter, I've found seedlings do best starting out with just a little bit of water at a time.

That Pro-Mix should suit you well a lot of people swear by it.