New Grower G14 and AKR

Day 47 and day 16: ok guys I mic' d the trichs lol. Still clear with a few half clear/cloudy. Buds still need to dense up in my opinion. And maybe I messed it up to where they wont. Really hard telling. they say its an easy strain to grow and don't get me wrong I put it in dirt and it sure enough it grows. But didn't know id be scratching my head everyday lol. I still think 63-65 days is when harvest will be. the akr I know where I made my mistake. Just dont top it lol. But other than that they are handling the flush quite well it seems.the small ones I started LST. (Day earlier than first 2 plants day 16 instead of 17. And im not sure how to count it if its day 15 or day 16 for these. They were above soil 16 days ago but weren't standing and leaves upward til 15 days ago. But here's the photos.first two pics are AKR 1. Next two are g14 1 then the family photo with the new LST.
If i can't get a decent soil Then ill switch to coco for sure. @FullAuto245 is it strain dependent just wondering or do you eventually use full strength nutes with coco? A guy on here I talk to regularly switched to coco about a year ago and said only difference hes noticed is they want more nutrients in coco and he feeds full strength with his brand of nutrients. Also, if you could tell me what coco you use and where you bought it that would be great. @bhaskara_phoenix I've probably already asked you this. But what soil do you use. And does anyone do 50/50 soil and coco or is that a no no lol.

As go to easily available coco is Canna coco bricks.

I would not mix soil with coco. Its defeats the benefits of coco. I tried it. Mixed in biochar and EWC and it made the coco too dense and not drain well.
@bhaskara_phoenix some cheap 13 dollar microscope. 30-90 zoom. 30 is plenty. I can't take photos with it unfortunately. But i promise they are all clear lol
Have you tried putting that scope up against your phone camera? Like your phone cam is your eye ball lol. It will work.
Have you tried putting that scope up against your phone camera? Like your phone cam is your eye ball lol. It will work.
I haven't..i can try but it's hard enough just getting it focused with my eye. It's a shitty scope lol. It's a battle just holding it in place and keeping it focused.
I haven't..i can try but it's hard enough just getting it focused with my eye. It's a shitty scope lol. It's a battle just holding it in place and keeping it focused.
Mine is also makes me feel like I have an issue! Shaky!
Day 49 (week 7) and day 18 update: man does time fly. Temps this morning was 73 degrees with humidity at 34 percent. the big girls are doing well still. the g14 buds at this point aren't as beefy as id like. My doing I'm sure with all this crazy stuff and trying to figure out what's wrong. Gonna be some dank none the less. Smells like a citrusy nut of some sort lol. Really good smell. And its getting some purp.the AKR is really bulking up. can't be more proud of her. I fed them both today. 2ml of biobizz bio grow. 1/4 dose big bloom and 1/4 dose photosynthesis plus. This will be there last of way is ph water. Both should finish around 14 more days give or take. The smaller girls are doing fine. Looking nice and lush green. The g14 is responding to LST well. The AKR I have not LSTd yet. She is just now 3 Inches tall and 10 and half inches wide. I'll prolly wait another 3-5 days or so before beginning her training. I fed both these girls again today. 1/8th dose of cal mag, 1/4 dose grow big, 1/8th dose photo plus and 1/8th dose of big bloom. This time I ran to a slight run off out the bottom. But here's the photos first pic is family photo of one week ago.
next pic is family photo of this week.
akr 1 side view and top view next.
an akr bud using my hand as reference.
g14 side and top view.
and g14 closeups
Man those are some fat and dank buds! I think your gonna get more than you think there just not as long but fatter mine is the same way cause of lst.
Thanks man. Its gonna be some good smoke. My first akr i ever grow put me on my ass and wasnt nowhere near as good looking as this one. The akr are pretty dense and big. The g14 I think just appears that way in photo. Aint really hard or swelled up. The lower nugs definitely have no bulk.maybe im wrong and its fine. hopefully by harvest the swell a little more. It could just be me though. Maybe they are gonna be some chunky buds. But comparing them.side by side. Akr is alot denser.