New Grower G14 and AKR

Watch out with Fox Farm nutes I don't know why I didn't pick up on that but I never had luck with them too strong like there soil imo. Sounds like you had nute lockout keep track of your ph runoff till you get it fixed.
Yes sir. Be my last grow with it too hot and too salty. Got bio bloom already and biogrow on the way. That problem shouldn't happen anymore. I'm gonna try to switch soils as well. But not much in my area. And just not worth shipping prices for me to order it. So i may be stuck doing 50/50 ocean forest and happy frog. Flushed real well before using. Or I might have to convert to coco until I get some super soil made. Until then i still got about 2 months to decide because of the amount of fox farms soil I have left.
The fox farms nutrients wont go to waste though. Just now starting my compost for my veggie gardens at the new house so wont have good soil. So I'll use those nutrients this year for the veggies. Then next year I'll be all organic.
That makes sense then I had a horrible time with there ocean forrest soil. Yeah your best bet is probably making your own like you said, we drive about 45 min each way for soil but I bought two huge bags last time.
I’m having good luck with coco coir. I highly recommend it. It’s simple and for me that’s the best method. Im in control of the nutes and it’s hard to over water. Cheap too!
If i can't get a decent soil Then ill switch to coco for sure. @FullAuto245 is it strain dependent just wondering or do you eventually use full strength nutes with coco? A guy on here I talk to regularly switched to coco about a year ago and said only difference hes noticed is they want more nutrients in coco and he feeds full strength with his brand of nutrients. Also, if you could tell me what coco you use and where you bought it that would be great. @bhaskara_phoenix I've probably already asked you this. But what soil do you use. And does anyone do 50/50 soil and coco or is that a no no lol.
I’ll try to find the exact one I bought. It was on Amazon and it might be listed on my first page in my journal.

It’s pre buffered to ph 5.5-6.5. I use the Lucas formula which only gets to about 1/2 strength starting at 1/4 strength. General Hydroponics nutes I bought the trio in a set for around $35 I’m almost finished with this grow or close snways I would say they will last about 3 grows and I’ll need to buy more bloom nutrients.

I feed for most waterings. Early on on I fed from day 10 until about day 40 without even using a break with just PH water. Then I started going feed/feed/water to help push salts out and minimize the waste of nutrients.
@FullAuto245 thanks i appreciate it for sure. So days 10-40 was a feed everyday? Do you switch to hydro nutrients for coco I'm taking it as well?
Not every day. I watered with a gallon for each plant so I watered about every 4-5 days at the start then lifting the pots I slowly changed that to every 3 days then 2 and now about every 36 hours. The main point was watering to run off or until water comes out the bottom of the pot. But every watering from day 10-40 had nutes.
Coco is a soiless and has 0 nutrients in it so everything has to be added just like hydro grows. Some use less water like 1-2litets instead of a gallon and water more frequently. I found to get it through a 5 gal pot I needed at least a gallon to get run off
@FullAuto245 Thanks man!! Noe I got more research to do lol. You do use 5 gallon pots? And i didn't see name of coco on your grow. If you happen to remember let me know. Guessing then only way to grow coco is non organic tho?