New Grower G14 and AKR

It was in my thread, these plants ward off aphids, can correct nitrogen and other nutrient issues and can even increase resins and oils of cannabis (chamomile) each one is different but with say chamomile and clover you plant it in the same pot I first heard about this from a pro gardener that was telling me how clover feeds plants when planted in the same pot.

Clove or clover? Clover adds nitrogen and it's commonly planted in pastures for that purpose including mine but it does a half assed job. It'll keep my pasture alive but I still have to fertilize for healthy grass.
Clove or clover? Clover adds nitrogen and it's commonly planted in pastures for that purpose including mine but it does a half assed job. It'll keep my pasture alive but I still have to fertilize for healthy grass.

Clover. Yeah it's not meant to replace a fertilizer.
@Time It looks like a great product. I posted a thread asking a few questions and about a feeding schedule. This was all before I realized this company is overseas and shipping will cost about 31 dollars or something. Yikes. I would have to order quite a bit to make that worth it. The product does seem worth it but i honestly think for the price and then shipping. I might need to just bite the bullet and start making my own soil when time comes.
@Time @bhaskara_phoenix @FullAuto245 what do you think of biobizz grow and bloom? Says its organic. Looks decent good reviews.
I don’t know anything about it but I’ve read on here different people using it. I’m sure it’s good stuff just find a good source for a schedule and if they cut the recommended dose 1/2 or 1/4.
I'm not sure either but as long as it is organic it must be pretty good :pimp: Man I got too f'd up off some edible noodles last night basically made my own ramen with chicken boulion cubes and put a table spoon of butter in there and was about at that freak out point lol could not stop laughing though. I am making a bunch of baked potato's for future medibles with cheese I am gonna half to make some candies or something though cause I am gonna get huge with all this butter lol :chef:
That sounds yummy lol and I know what you mean I went to north Carolina once and went to the unto these hills live reenactment of the Cherokee Indians history its on a mountainside and started at nighttime. Said f it and double downed on some edibles about 45 minutes before show started. Didn't go so well first half of the show lol. One of those took too much took too much scenarios. Edibles definitely can kick your ass thats for sure.
I'm not sure either but as long as it is organic it must be pretty good :pimp: Man I got too f'd up off some edible noodles last night basically made my own ramen with chicken boulion cubes and put a table spoon of butter in there and was about at that freak out point lol could not stop laughing though. I am making a bunch of baked potato's for future medibles with cheese I am gonna half to make some candies or something though cause I am gonna get huge with all this butter lol :chef:
How about mixing some garlic Parmesan cheese and basil into your butter melt it down freeze it then put it on top of your steak? If you cook the steak on one side then flip add some butter baste remove and put into oven at 300 for around 20 minutes or less. Finish it off with the butter in the freezer just a bit. I get it’s a winner!