New Grower G14 and AKR

Thanks man, the one we have now is such a baby and has alot of energy which is fine. I take him to the lake alot and to the dog park. But dogs are better in pairs at least I've read. And they'll be good for each other I hope. The one were taking in definitely is more mellow and afraid. When I went to see her. She crawled towards me then put her head down and peed herself. The owners treated her pretty piss poorly. Can't stand people like that honestly. Give her a few weeks with us and she'll forget all about her troubled "puppyhood" lol
Thanks man, the one we have now is such a baby and has alot of energy which is fine. I take him to the lake alot and to the dog park. But dogs are better in pairs at least I've read. And they'll be good for each other I hope. The one were taking in definitely is more mellow and afraid. When I went to see her. She crawled towards me then put her head down and peed herself. The owners treated her pretty piss poorly. Can't stand people like that honestly. Give her a few weeks with us and she'll forget all about her troubled "puppyhood" lol
Ya that’s horrible hopefully she has a good recovery!
I would start with a quarter dose of the flower nutes just to be safe then move up to half dose next time you fert.

I agree and while I don't have an led I had that issue with one of mine too close to the cfl it was weird cause it was the same distance I always keep them.

That is a cool dog and very nice of you to take it in like that every animal deserves a nice home cool names too!
Forgot to ask you do you have your thermometer right by the plants like by the foliage under the light? To check how there doing you want one right where they are growing a little under the tops hang it so it hangs there it's ideal to have one lower too like by pot bottoms.

Another thing you can do is put your hand over the tops and leave it there 30 seconds if its too hot for you it's too hot for the plants.
@FullAuto245 whats your light height as of now? Had to Look to remember what light your using. You got a 2000 watt beast I see lol mine are two 300's. I like them though. And yours seem to be doing great as well
Well it’s in the same spot just the plants have grown up a bit so they are around 31 inches from the top of the canopy. It’s about 5 inches from the top of the tent. I know most say bring the light down during flower but I think it’s fine where it’s at? I’m just winging it and taking advice from those who will give it.
So have you had an exaust fan running?

I think the thing with the leds not being able to be close is also a light intensity thing and not so much heat as well. In a way it is nice cause you don't half to adjust your lights so much which can be a pain and you can have plants at diff heights without raising them.