New Grower G14 and AKR

Need some opinions. Tomorrow ill be starting tiger bloom the flower nutes from fox farm. Opinions on if I should start 1/8 strength or 1/4 strength. Also, my leaves on the g14 are starting to curl upward and they are a little jagged. Is it just them still recovering from the prior problems? Afghan still looking fine. Thanks
Are the tips from nute burn? I don’t see the leaf curling.
They're really jagged too. And the tips burning was from 3 feedings ago of cal/mag. I was giving them 1/4 strength then upped it to half strength. They did not like it. At least g14
I definitely had the same issue. I moved my light up to about 30-35 inches from 24 and it seemed to help a lot.
My lights are now 28 and half inches above tops now. The highest I can make them is 33 inches. Guess future note to self is grow in smaller pots or make sure i do LST. Which is fine. I just got back from a 2nd chance animal rescue. Taking in a new puppy that were mistreated badly by the owner. Have one German shepherd mix named gizmo from gremlins. And now we have a new addition to the family I can pick up next friday. The girl dogs name will be Greta. Not only is it German but it's the female gremlin in gremlins so now we have gizmo and greta. Gizmo is 13 months old and greta is 4 months. Not ganja photos I know lol.
Dog looks awesome good for you!