Outdoor G Haze and 8 Weeker outside, downunder...


it's our choice...
Jul 22, 2011
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G'day folks - hope yr keeping well.

Ive been a bit slow getting this thread up but since I had to take the tent down over the festive season I thought Id get a few beans going outside over the time. These have been outdoors their whole life and seem happy enough for the experience.

I am very much looking forward to growing these under the sun and of course enjoying the sunshine with them when its time to smoke. Both have come highly recommended from someone whose knowledge on genes/strains I highly regard so am excited to grow these out.

First is G Haze - an Auto. Like the name suggests, should be a nice energetic, uplifting Haze. I believe it is an auto version of the G13Haze and whilst I havent tried that before it does sound good indeed so hopefully its auto sister does as well.

The 8 Weeker is a Photo period but as the name suggests it is meant to be a fast growing and finishing photo. Being that there cld be different phenos/ my growing conditions etc etc etc Im not necesarily expecting them to finish right on the calender but I do like the idea of fast finishing strains so looking forward to seeing how they go.

This season outdoor is very much about seeing just how much I can get away with but unfortunately that wont be a garden full - just a handfull, so whilst I would have loved to have started more of these Im starting with 2 GHaze and 3 8 Weekers. Will definetely be trying to get more of these outside this season and will also have some indoor....

They were started in seed raising soil mix (except one 8 Weeker which was started in coco), popping up about the 16th Dec so are now about 3 weeks old. The Ghaze has had a few light feedings, the 8 Wkers a little more - prob could have given the 8 Wkers a bit more but am trying to go with less is more and seeing what the soil mix holds for them.

The Ghaze have been tiered into a compo/perlite mix with a little dolomite lime. They are sharing a pot as I want to try and multipot as a way of making the most of outdoor space. The 8 Wkers have been potted up into the compo/perlite mix as well. The one that was started in coco is a bit behind the other 2 so am happy with the soil growing thus far. Im still thinking Im a bit behind others in height etc in veg growth but there all looking green and healthy so Im happy with them.

These pics are now 2 days old and have been fed and had a bit of rain since so are growing away. As I mentioned, these have spent their whole lives outside - we are in the 2nd month of summer here with temps mainly around the mid to high 30 degree C - at times a strong sunny dry heat, others like now a fairly humid heat...

G Haze

GH2.jpg GH1.jpg

8 Weeker

8W1.jpg 8W2.jpg 8W4.jpg 8W3.jpg

:thumbs::toke: :peace:
Now I feel home, nothing like outdoor grows :)
Looking good as always :pop:
Looks like you are off to a superb start. It will be so cool, watching your summer grow here it’s wintertime.
30 degree Celsius = 86 degree Fahrenheit
cheers folks.

as much as I love being able to grow indoors it is bloody nice just letting sun, seed and soil do their thing. Had a bit of rain over the past day or so and they've enjoyed it and are all happily growing away.

At the moment, due to living with family etc its not an option to start photos outdoor in spring to give them the full growing season so something like the 8 Weeker should fit in perfectly along side the autos :thumbs:.

Like all of us, I just wish I had a lot more room and better laws 'cause Id love to have lots more of these on the go - just as much for the experience and variety (soooo many strains I wanna grow) as the end product.

cheers stunted - as you know, pretty good growing weather at moment - now just a matter of me screwing them up!

... speaking of... holy shit-hawks batman! I apologise to the breeder but we are about to see what these G Hazes are made of. I was earlier mixing a feed for them - being good and giving them there own feed at a bit under half strength of growth nutes - all went well. Untill about an hour later I thought "Oh Shit!". Then I remembered the ratio on the bottle of nutes is per 9 litres not 1 litre. I have then given them a good flush and have fingers crossed that being an organic nute it shld'nt be too harsh but I'm also hoping they are hungry critters!!

So burnt, stunted or about to rocket into growth we will see. They are about 3 and a bit weeks old though so hopefully they can take it!!
another grow going on,
sending all the good
outdoor growing karma
i can....:pop:
cheers matey

Yep another grow - damn this growing is addictive!! I want a farm in the middle of nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!