Dinafem Fuggzy does a Dina v1.02

Alright I don't wan't to go far in to detail, but thing where a bit rough there. I have been having some medical concerns, and that is mainly why I was busy. I've been getting a bunch of test, and everything comes back flawless. Normally I would be very happy with that, but they can't figure out what IS wrong. All my blood test and stats have actually came back better than my last run. Its been taking a role on my mental. I've got a great support group between home and here though, so I still got my head up. In the process of everything, I let the big kush die.
It was isolated from the main grow, and I forgot about it. Sorry. Life carries on.

Speaking of which, here is my IpCa. It was transplanted today, and will be grown n a 3 gallon pot with th rest of the autos. I'm not going to do indoor photos for the time, just a few outside this summer. I was originally growing her in the micro cab, and it is exposed to outdoor critters. (in the garage) Something bit off the top, and now it has split. I can't seem to find her germ date, but with the nod count and topping I'd say at least 11-12 days. Sorry again, it's been foggy up stairs here.
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So in the next 6-10 days I should be sorting out the males on my current grow, and to fill that spot, I will be using Blue Kush auto, and some....

Mother fucking BUBBA KUSH AUTO!

I hope foul language doesn't offend y'all, but I'm fucking tired of being in a slump. It's time to get back to this shit, and kick some ass. No messing with seeds of unknown origin this time. We got the real deal, and even some stickers for fun. Haha now I'm going to have to get some Moby Dick, wouldn't want to look like a liar!!!! I'm just as stoked for the Dina tins as I am for the seeds, lol.
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So I welcome you fellers back for some fun, chats, and porn.
Oops, this porn...:growing:.

Hello please do not ever feel you need to apologise to us or Dinafem. I suffer from agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house) which comes with clinical depression and anxiety. Trust me your not alone and if you ever need to chat you can always pm me here or you have my email :thumbsup:

It is great the seeds got there and atleast this time we know they are what it says in the tin "pardon the pun"

I'll be watching with great interest

All the best

Hello please do not ever feel you need to apologise to us or Dinafem. I suffer from agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house) which comes with clinical depression and anxiety. Trust me your not alone and if you ever need to chat you can always pm me here or you have my email :thumbsup:

It is great the seeds got there and atleast this time we know they are what it says in the tin "pardon the pun"

I'll be watching with great interest

All the best

Thanks for the kind words, and putting yourself out there like that. This is my only form of social media, but my favorite thing about THIS community, is the honest and general concern for one another. I deal with on and off depression, and sever anxieties. I have had enough help to spot it coming a mile away, but sometimes theres nothing I can do. I'm sure you know fighting your our mind can be crippling at times. Then throwing the phonically ailments, and they just spiral around each other. I'm in a good place for the time though, if not I got that email address.

I'm totally going to reuse the tins by the way. May sound silly but I was pretty happy to see those. The sticker is already on the "vendor/gear" sticker wall, next to botanicare, and think geek.
Alright IPCa has been moved in to the tent. The tent in being moved, so the set up is not permanent. Amazon sent me some of the wrong vent gear, so it is going to be a few more days.:shrug:I placed at 42w 4200k cfl near it to help with any potential stretch being on the edge.

I am also going to take a kind of aggressive approach with this girl. She has already been topped by a critter. One top is taking a dominance, so I am trying to even them out. I did a "semi-crop" on it. I took the stem and just rolled in in my ringers, with a light pressure. Not enough to snap the tissues, just soften them up, and bend over. I also brace it to even the 2 tops. If tomorrow the stem are not a bit closer, I will simply bend the main top a bit further below the 2nd. Allow the hormones to shift over. Right now they are even. Only thing that may become an issue is if it forms a knot, and just takes off. I don't think I damaged enough tissue for that though.

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The current plants have started to show lateral branch growth. I am hoping to spot the males fast. I didn't expect to get the Dina seeds so fast. I need that space now!:eyebrows:

Talk with you guys later.:coco:
Haha man I don't know how to answer that? Are we eating him? haha if you slow roast him, it might decarb the plant inside him, and turn it in to a giant canna edible! Hell thinking about that, we have deers, and I love venison... Bad wheels are turning now!

My wife says the same thing "Really? What exactly are you trying to do in that tent? Are you planning to take over the house?" Last time I had a multi strain grow going on it was 11 plants ranging from 2 days to 7 weeks. I took over the entire kitchen during feed time. My wife, just as I'm sure your is too, is pretty cool though. She gets a bit ruffled, but would much rather I buy seeds than street herb, and she doesn't even smoke. I may never grow all my seeds, but I do enjoy having the collection. Talk to you later bud.

Wives are great. Mine just went out and bought one of the air purifiers ($1200) that makes the entire house smell like a hospital....for obvious reason. Hey, at least they let us have our hobby.

I am trying to talk my wife into moving 50 miles in the middle of nowhere when the last graduates. My campaign isn't going real well.
did a "semi-crop" on it. I took the stem and just rolled in in my ringers, with a light pressure. Not enough to snap the tissues, just soften them up, and bend over. I also brace it to even the 2 tops. If tomorrow the stem are not a bit closer, I will simply bend the main top a bit further below the 2nd. Allow the hormones to shift over. Right now they are even. Only thing that may become an issue is if it forms a knot, and just takes off. I don't think I damaged enough tissue for that though.
what is this knot that you speak of sir @Fuggzy ???
The knot is simply where the branch/stem heals from a break. It forms a knot just like we have scare tissue. However, unlike us, this knot is beneficial. It acts as a second hormonal dispatch point. It is normally seen when supercropping. Besides evening teh canopy, SC is used to push hormones to the bud sites. Most growers report the section above the break to be stronger, and more bountiful. This is normally thought to be for photos only, but does the same thing on autos. Just be warned on a auto, it is an advanced training, and can have negative effects. Here are a few knots I have mad recently.

Night Terror OG, Multi topped, supercropped, and strapred down like a mental patient.

I also use it to stunt growth. Rather than bending it over like the above pic, I'll just crush the stem, and let it heal in the natural direction. (less likely to actually form a knot) It can be a catch 22 as, the knot can make it grow. When I do this would normally be towards the end of stretch, and I am running out of room.

Done correct, it just makes the stem tough as nails, and slightly bulges out...

Done incorrectly, you get the knot, and that top grows more. This cola had to be constantly moved, and tied so it would not grow in to the light. (these 2 pics are the same plant) I just waned to break the inner tissues, not actually crack the skin as pictured.