Indoor Friendly Grow Comparison! THC Bomb by Bomb Seeds (A)

Ok, I'm actually getting two seeds started today. Left them in water overnight.


Does anyone have matching seeds and want to start a comparative grow game?

@XxxAuto How's your Bomb doing? She's about the same age, right?

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Witchy darling... I have no Bomb, but a siblings to yours "broken" ;) why you do don't take a walk, and come to my room and see.. You need a little break... There's coffee and tea too :eyebrows:
I'm leaving before my girls catch what you are spreading!:yoinks:

Maybe there's a dea agent on here giving bad advice?!:redcard:
Sorry bro... No bad karma from here at all...
We are still just newbee and have lot to learn :coffee2:
Like we say here.. It's a failure 40 :smoking:
( I will explain, if you don't know)
Witchy darling... I have no Bomb, but a siblings to yours "broken" ;) why you do don't take a walk, and come to my room and see.. You need a little break... There's coffee and tea too :eyebrows:
Sounds nice! I'll have to go look. Broken is fantastic, I almost dropped one today, but decided I should try something different. ;)

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Sorry bro... No bad karma from here at all...
We are still just newbee and have lot to learn :coffee2:
Like we say here.. It's a failure 40 :smoking:
( I will explain, if you don't know)
And I forgot to move the seeds to pods before leaving for work. Hope they don't drown. :(

@Itisi How long can they stay in the water?

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