Indoor Friendly Grow Comparison! THC Bomb by Bomb Seeds (A)

This was the last shot,.from about 12 hours ago. I'll add this morning's shot in a bit.

Vicious little bastard hehe

1st Auto Grow
Outdoor Photo Grow
:dancer:I know the title says friendly grow but I'm rooting for witchy:yay:

Just teasing, best of luck to you both. I'm loving the progress so far and will follow closely. Don't worry witchy now that the seed I mean things are looking up these girls are gonna explode.
Thanks! :)

I'm hoping she had a slow start because she wanted to make sure she was rested and now she's just going to take off!
Great day to everyone!!! Wishing everybody an awesome Sunday with your loved ones. I just got this new app (GreenDiary) that is amazing for me because I can take each plant and make a special journal entry into a separate folder. With pictures that turn into a video when you're done. Wow simply amazing. I got it at the App Store for 3€ but the states has it for 3$. In my honest opinion it seems to be very well put together. I will be posting screenshots here very soon.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.
niceee huh gota check it out :D