Indoor Friendly Grow Comparison! THC Bomb by Bomb Seeds (A)

Great day to everyone!!! Wishing everybody an awesome Sunday with your loved ones. I just got this new app (GreenDiary) that is amazing for me because I can take each plant and make a special journal entry into a separate folder. With pictures that turn into a video when you're done. Wow simply amazing. I got it at the App Store for 3€ but the states has it for 3$. In my honest opinion it seems to be very well put together. I will be posting screenshots here very soon.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.

It takes a small getting used to period. No big deal.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.
Nice start - will be popping in from time to time.
you are more than welcomed here. I will be making video updates to make it a bit more involved for everyone. Hope you enjoy and have a great day friend.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.
Great day to everyone!!! Wishing everybody an awesome Sunday with your loved ones. I just got this new app (GreenDiary) that is amazing for me because I can take each plant and make a special journal entry into a separate folder. With pictures that turn into a video when you're done. Wow simply amazing. I got it at the App Store for 3€ but the states has it for 3$. In my honest opinion it seems to be very well put together. I will be posting screenshots here very soon.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.
Good morning and a wonderful Sunday for you as well! :)

Sounds vert cool! I'll check it out.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.

Very nice technique! I'll have to try it on our next comparative grow, maybe I'll be able to catch up with you that way. [emoji106]

Thanks so much for putting together the video class. :)

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.