Indoor FreezeBerry:) Grow Log 1

Rev. Green Genes

Time is an Illusion. Lunchtime doubly So.
Dec 20, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Alien V. Triangle, Double Grape
First grow, first grow log. I will try to get the few pics I took in the first month. This plant is now in it's 6th week. I was asked to start this log, so here goes.... a retroactive grow log.


3x2x5 tent
6 inch can fan exhaust (with spring loaded backdraft preventer) runs to an insulated and blocked off attic space so I don't need carbon filter.
200 watt MH/HPS
450 watt VIPARSpectra LED
DIY Hydroponic DWC/drip tank (15 gallons to net pots)
Fox Farm nutes lineup
Filtered city tap water

First month:

1. Germinated 2 Big Head Freeze Berry Auto
2. one died.... The one that lived had a misshapen cotyledon leaf.
3. I started her in the hydro system on a drip of Ph'd water @300 PPM of Fox Grow, with a splash of SuperThrive. She grew fairly fast.
4. I topped her at node 4, around 4 or 6 inches height.
5. Started LST training, and changed out the water for 700PPM Fox Grow, Super Thrive, and Root 66.
6. At this point she has been on a 18/6 schedule with a 200 watt MH lamp. I got that lamp as close as 6 inches for a while with no problems.
7. Continued LST training till her entire 2 foot square area was filled.

Second month:

8. Flower started. I removed 5 gallons and added 6 back with 300PPM of Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Open Sesame, CalMag+. This brought the overall PPM to 650.
9. Replaced the MH light with a LED
10. The flowers are stretching nicely.

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I thought I was leaving my babies for yesterday for 5 days, but I got an extra day before I leave. I changed out another 3 gallons with cal mag and Open Sesame, Ph'd the tank, and tucked back fan leaves to expose those beautiful sweet smelling flowers. I am confident after she held PPM and Ph for a day, that I'll be fine to go ahead and leave her for a bit. I hope to see huge growth and stretching by a few days when I return. WooT!
I have algea appearing in the water riser tube. After this grow it gets replaced with black line. Everything else looks good. Anyone have algea experience to share? how dangerous is that, is it leading to pythium?
Nice log. Sorry i cant help about algae, never went hydro. I heard you can use chloride but i would be careful with that so better dont mind.
Nice log. Sorry i cant help about algae, never went hydro. I heard you can use chloride but i would be careful with that so better dont mind.
Thx mate, I am gonna leave it till this grow is done. I have lots going on. I just made this table for example. I am designed an undercurrent system to try out. I always over purchase parts so I can expand and repair as needed. So keep that in mind when the total cost comes up :)
Looking good. I unfortunately know zero about hydro. One day soon though I might dip my toe in the water. Good luck.
Thx mate, I am gonna leave it till this grow is done. I have lots going on. I just made this table for example. I am designed an undercurrent system to try out. I always over purchase parts so I can expand and repair as needed. So keep that in mind when the total cost comes up :)View attachment 679060

Unfortunately i could not see the picture..
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yep. She is a healthy girl...

I just got my order in for two more lights, and all sorts of gear for the upcoming drama. Stay tuned for my second log, I'm gonna document the build of a basement grow room with RDWC undercurrent system. As best as my budget will allow, should take a month or two to finish it all up. I hope to provide some video, some pics, and spreadsheets for parts lists and cost information. Cheers! should be a great New Year! Bring it on 2017!
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3 days away, 2 days home, 5 days away..... I'm surprised she is still alive after all that, and only dropped .2 Ph and up 25 PPM. She is drinking more than a gallon per day! She got way bigger than I expected. She is filling fully 2ft by 2ft in the tent now, and the buds are coming together on the main tops :) W00t!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 more weeks till I can chop her down I hope. I'm running mighty low in my nugZ Jar.

She gets fresh water today, and a quick flush. She will have a comrade in the tent soon too, my solo cup grow is gonna sit right next to her with my new Mars 300.... edit: she got shot in the arm with Foxfarm Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Beastie Bloomz, SuperThrive, CalMag+, @ 600 PPM x 16 gallons. I really wish I could show the root ball, but cannot take the system apart that far.
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